K-12 Community Mass EventMother Teresa Catholic College17 February 2023K-!2, Community Mass, Whole College, Mass
Welcome Back! EventMother Teresa Catholic College3 February 2023Term 1, 2023, Welcome Back, First Day
Year 10 ODE Excursion ExcursionMother Teresa Catholic College22 November 2022Year 10, Outdoor Education, ODE, Kayaking, Beach
Remembrance Day Service EventMother Teresa Catholic College11 November 2022Remembrance Day, Service, 2022
Risks of Vaping Presentation IncursionMother Teresa Catholic College11 November 2022Vaping, Presentation
Year 11 Music Recital EventMother Teresa Catholic College25 October 2022Year 11, Music, Music Recital
Junior School Science Demonstration EventMother Teresa Catholic College24 October 2022Junior School, Science Week, Science, Demonstration
PSSA Swimming Carnival Sporting EventMother Teresa Catholic College24 October 2022PSSA, Swimming Carnival, 2022
Sean Pollard Presentation IncursionMother Teresa Catholic College12 October 2022Sean Pollard, Presentation, Incursion, Year 9, Year 11
Sacrament of Confirmation Mass EventMother Teresa Catholic College19 September 2022Confirmation, Sacrament of Confirmation, Mass, Parish