Indigenous Education

Mother Teresa Catholic College are committed to providing opportunities for all First Nation students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 to achieve outstanding educational outcomes. The College offers an annual First Nations Scholarship to assist families and provide broad career opportunities to young First Nation people.

First Nation Education Assistance Program

The First Nation Education Assistance Program aims to assist First Nation students and their families throughout the student’s education and enhance their learning outcomes within the College.

The First Nations EA activities include:

  1. assisting children and families to integrate into the new school and local community 

  2. supporting First Nation students to enhance their learning outcomes within the College

  3. enhancing awareness and appreciation of First Nation people, histories, cultures, and spirituality

  4. smoothing the transition between schools and different education systems (including minimising the impact of relocation on children’s learning outcomes) 

  5. monitoring the social, emotional and academic wellbeing of First Nation students 

  6. helping students develop self-confidence, self-reliance and resilience 

  7. directing students to programs, services or opportunities that suit their needs 

Significant Events

  • National Sorry Day

  • Reconciliation Week

  • NAIDOC Week

  • First Nation Children’s Day

  • First Nation Literacy Day