Mother Teresa Catholic College offers a high-quality Catholic education, providing rich learning environments that nurture lifelong learning. Students complete all state educational requirements while benefiting from a curriculum distinguished by a Religious Education Program and integration of gospel values.

The College promotes holistic personal development, encouraging students to become responsible, service-orientated Christian individuals. It prioritises academic achievement, addressing diverse needs to support contributions to Australian society.

Religious Education focuses on understanding the Gospel as taught by the Catholic Church and complements family, school, and parish catechesis. It respects parents as primary educators in faith and follows the curriculum approved by the Archbishop of Perth, taught with the same dedication as other subjects.

In early education, Kindergarten teachers enhance religious awareness, while Pre-Primary to Year 6 classes allocate 15–30 minutes daily to Religious Education. Teachers are committed Catholics who actively witness their faith.



Wednesday 12 February Parent / Student Workshop @ 5.30pm

Saturday 15 February Commitment Mass – 6.00pm

Friday 21 March Retreat Day 9am – 2.30pm

Thursday 3 April Celebration of the Sacrament @ 6pm


Wednesday 30 April Parent / Student Workshop @ 5.30pm

Saturday 3 May Commitment Mass – 6.00pm

Friday 20 June Retreat Day 9am – 12.30pm

Rehearsal 1.15 – 3.00pm

21 and 22 June Celebration of the Sacrament


Wednesday 23 July Parent Meeting/Student Workshop @5.30pm (Church)

Saturday 26 July Commitment Mass – 6.00pm

Friday 5 September Retreat Day 9am – 2.30pm

Thursday 11 September Rehearsal and Preparation Meeting 6.00pm

(Sponsor and Candidate)

Saturday 13 September Celebration of the Sacrament at 6.00pm

(Please note that the date of Confirmation is yet to be approved by the Archbishop’s Office).