School Climate Survey


The College is participating in the School Climate Survey again this year. The survey is about the climate of this school and how it can be improved. It is an opportunity for all in our community to tell the College how things are going for you. We really value your feedback and we will try to respond to what you say.

The survey does not include the data of individuals, rather, feedback involves a graph based on feedback from all Parents and Caregivers. To ensure anonymity, aggregated scores are not provided for groups of less than four.

There are no right or wrong answers we are just seeking your impression about the college.


For the majority of the questions there are two sets of responses: actual and preferred. Actual responses tell the leadership team what you this is actually happening here at the college and preferred responses tell us what you would like to be happening.

Here is the link to the survey

Climate Survey

The access code is: MTPACS. The deadline for completion is Friday 6th August .

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact the college.