Indonesian Students talk to the Stars



Year 10 Indonesian students had the opportunity to interview Viza, the lead singer of V1Mast, a popular Indonesian band. The students went to see V1Mast concert in 2018, when the band conducted their school concerts to Western Australia, so everyone was very excited (and nervous!) to see him again and to learn more about his career, life and future plans. Below are the students’ reflections of their experience interviewing Viza: 

 Interviewing Viza was an amazing experience. It was great to learn more about him, like when he started singing, why he became a singer, how many songs he had written (more than 400 songs!), and his hobbies (he loves farming and sports). This experience also tested our speaking and listening skills, as well as our knowledge and skills in sentence structures. If this experience was opened up again I would recommend doing it as it is a good way to practice Indonesian and a great opportunity to talk to famous Indonesian celebrity. Viza loved his time in Australia. He made lots of friend here and loved everyone he met. He would love to come to Australia again. (Chelsea L)

 Today I met Viza, the singer from V1Mast, on a zoom video call! Viza is a Indonesian international pop singer, and we were very lucky to meet him. We got to ask lots of questions and learn about him, his career and his life! Although we were all nervous, Viza was very kind, and took the time to know everyone’s names and a bit about them. We also talked about his life during lockdown and his ambitions aside from singing. (Millie C)

 I really loved interviewing Viza from V1MAST and asking questions about his life. It really made my day. I wish COVID went away so that we can have V1MAST in Australia and show him how great Australia is. I would like to do it again sometime ;). (Samuel E)

 I was nervous at first as I thought I would make mistakes, but Viza understood what I said, and he kept complimenting us all. He was really nice and he was also really funny. We all had a conversation with him and we sang one of his songs together. He was very informative and helpful when we said something wrong. We are all lucky we had a conversation with him. Terima Kasih, Visa. (Joselin B)

Although the interview was very scary, I had so much fun learning about a growing Indonesian artist. When we asked a question, the answers were always in depth and gave us such an insight into his life. It was so great that we got to practice our speaking skills, and listening skills in a real-life setting. I absolutely loved this experience and can’t wait to speak to Viza again. He is so positive and has inspired me to work hard and achieve my own goals. It so cool to be able to begin speaking Indonesian with someone who is such an incredible artist and has so much love and care for others around him, he is a true inspiration to anyone that listens to his songs. It was such an incredible experience and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity. (Jessica R)

On Wednesday during our Indonesian class, we interviewed a famous singer in Indonesia, Viza, from V1Mast. It was a really great experience to be able to talk to Viza in Indonesian and learn about his career and his life. We got to speak to him in Indonesian and he responded back to us in Indonesian but explain what he said in English as well. I learnt a lot about Viza while we were talking to him and was very grateful to be able to interview him. I glad I got to work on speaking in Indonesian, (Mia S)