Project Compassion

Ash Wednesday signified the official launch of Project Compassion within the College. In each classroom and homeroom there is a collection box for students to donate what they can in support of Caritas Australia’s ‘Project Compassion’ appeal for 2021. The theme for this year’s appeal is ‘Be More’. It is during the time of Lent that we can focus on ‘being more’ for our world and those in it.

Across the six weeks of Lent, Caritas Australia, through their website, will be sharing stories of resilient people from around the world who are trying to ‘be more’ for their families and communities. This week, students looked at the story of Margret, who is a vocational teacher at a school for students with hearing impairments in the Solomon Islands. Margret was born deaf, so she knows the challenges it poses to education and employment. In 2020, a Tropical Cyclone struck and damaged the school buildings. Caritas Australia supported the repairs of the school, which now has a safe water supply, structurally sound buildings and new vegetable gardens.

In the words of Saint Mother Teresa, ‘Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things, with great love.’ Please give generously this Lenten Season, the smallest amount will help.