iPads for Learning at MTCC


Please be aware that all students in Years 1, 7 and 10 must have an iPad and accessories as specified for each year group in 2022 to support learning in the classroom (Please see the College iPad Portal for more details).

Option 1 - the College Hire iPad Program is now closed and the College is no longer able to accept entries. However, Option 2 - ‘Purchase Direct’ from Winthrop Australia and Option 3 - ‘Source yourself’ are available to all Parents and Caregivers: 

Option 2 - Purchase Direct

Those wishing to use Option 2 are able to access education pricing through our Education Technology supplier Winthrop Australia, please use this link - https://sales.winaust.com.au/shop/motherteresacs

Please ensure,

  • iPad and accessories are delivered to the College by the 10th of January 2022 so that the IT department can complete the required setup. Delivery could take up to two (2) weeks.

  • iPads and accessories will be available for pickup at the iPad induction sessions running from the 17th to 28th of January 2022. Each Student is expected to attend one (1) 30 minute session and Parents and Caregivers are encouraged to attend. Please book in your child’s/children’s session here (deadline for bookings is 15/12/21). If you are unable to attend during this time, please inform the College IT department on the details below.

Option 3 - Source Yourself

Those who wish to source their own iPad and accessories please ensure you meet the requirements stipulated by the College: 

  • Apple iPad is 15 months old or less and in good working condition.

  • Protective case.

  • Apple Pencil or similar smart stylus (Secondary).

  • Keyboard (Secondary).

  • Accidental damage, theft and loss coverage is strongly recommended.

If you choose Option 3, you must contact the College’s IT department and verify that the above requirements are met prior to their student beginning at the College. Parents must drop off the iPad to the College’s IT department for setup* at by the 17th of January or at a time negotiated with the IT department.

* Prior to dropping off the iPad, please ensure that all data has been backed up to a safe location and that the AppleID has been removed. Once setup has been completed all backed up data can be loaded back onto the iPad. 

Your Voice

The College would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on the College iPad Program! Please could you assist the College and complete this five minute questionnaire:


If you have any questions or concerns please contact the College IT department on it@motherteresa.wa.edu.au or call (08) 9591 7151 to speak to a team member.