Date: Friday 3rd December

Time: 4.30pm start 

The concert will finish around 6.15pm/6.30pm. 

Student Dress Code: College sports shorts, Christmas tee/shirt, small Christmas hat or headband (optional). 

This event is a community event so this year students will be sitting with their families during the concert and will be invited up to perform when it's their year group's turn.

There will a few food trucks, coffee vans, boost juice van, ice cream truck and a sausage sizzle for families to purchase dinner, or families can bring a picnic rug and a picnic 

Kindy, Pre Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 - . The MCs will call each year level to come to the side of the stage two items before . Teachers will move to the side of the stage when the year level is called and meet your children at side stage.

Year 5 & Year 6 - Students will be informed of the item that is on before theirs, and will be instructed to make their way to the side of the stage when that item is happening. There will be no announcement from MCs for Year 5 and Year 6. Teachers will move to the side of the stage when the year level is called and meet your children at side stage.

All students will be performing on the steps in front of the Covered Area.