

In this Issue:

  • Executive Director End of Term Message

  • Important Notices

  • Events

  • Student Achievement

  • Kindy News

  • Languages News

  • Sports and Outdoor Education (ODE) News

  • VET/Workplace Learning News

  • Languages News

  • Library News

  • Community News

Executive Director End of Term Message

Dear Colleagues, Parents, and Friends of Catholic Education WA,

We are now halfway through what has been a very busy year. Once again, I want to thank our principals, teachers, and support staff for the immense effort and commitment shown to ensure our schools run smoothly and deliver the quality education families have come to expect of us.

School production season hit full swing this term. The talent on display in these productions is commendable and I know there are hours of work by performers, musicians, production crew and staff which go in to making them a success. I congratulate all students and staff involved in these productions.

Another important milestone this term, is the annual LifeLink Days for Primary and Secondary Schools which marks its 25th anniversary this year. That’s twenty-five years of Catholic school students finding creative and inspiring ways to raise funds for this important cause, and I am inspired by the service to community they have all shown.  

In exciting news, we have now broken ground at the site of our newest Catholic school, St Marcellin Catholic College in Madora Bay. I was delighted to join the ceremony, alongside Foundation Principal Anita O’Donohue, and to meet the first family to enrol at the school. Enrolling in a brand-new school is a big step and signals families have faith in the quality, affordable offering from each of our Catholic schools.

I am conscious that the broad scope of activity I’ve outlined relies on a highly skilled, passionate and thoughtful staff. It is important that as a group, our people exemplify continued growth and lifelong learning. So, it was particularly important that in May, Catholic education office staff gathered in Perth for the annual Staff Development Day. Through a varied program, I hope staff felt enriched, and deepened their understanding of the rich history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Days like this are vital to our collective journey towards reconciliation, so I thank staff for wholeheartedly embracing the day’s activities.

The delivery of both the Federal and State budgets in May is a reminder of the complex funding environment in which Catholic schools operate. I know, as do many of you, that our schools save the Government a considerable amount of money, and in many parts of the Kimberley Catholic schools provide the only education service to families. In that context we continue to remind the Government that Catholic students in WA deserve a fair funding deal, one that is in line with other States, and which acknowledges the right parents have to choose a school which aligns with their personal beliefs.

Next term we will celebrate some examples of why parents make that choice as nominations for the Quality Catholic Education Awards open, as well as the Catholic Arts Festival and Angelico Exhibition. School and Office Leaders from across the State will also gather for our Leaders Forum Roadshows. These Roadshows are opportunities for our leadership to deepen their understanding of our core issues and solidify relationships which are so important to the smooth operation of our system.

I wish you all a safe and restful break. I look forward to seeing you again next term.

Yours sincerely

Wayne Bull
Executive Director

Message from the Executive Assistant to the Principal

Farewell to our Foundation Principal, Ms. O’Keefe

In the excitement of students embarking on their Semester 1 holidays; I write this with mixed emotions. On the one side there is a definite sense of sadness that our Principal Ms Geri O’Keefe will be retiring at the end of this term after 12 years (since 2013) as Principal of Mother Teresa Catholic College, 29 years as Principal in WA Catholic schools, and 52 years of teaching and leading in Catholic schools in both Victoria and Western Australia.  On the other hand, there is this sense of great responsibility to ensure the incredible legacy created by Geri is continued and maintained in the years to come. Both the leaving and the taking make this moment a difficult one. 

I recall the poem by P. B. Shelley titled Ozymandias. It talks about a king who made monuments and statues of himself. But as years passed by, they were all destroyed and buried in the vast endless desert sands. Unlike this king, some others leave their legacy in the hearts of the people which is never destroyed. Such a person is Geri O’Keefe. She has scripted love and enduring respect in the hearts of all those she encountered. Unlike buried monuments of stone, what Geri has authored in our hearts will live on.

And as spoken in a famous movie,

“Look around you. There is not a life in this community that you have not touched, and each one of us is a better person because of you.”

Yes, one of the greatest lessons you have shown us is that you cared for all of us. Therefore, you earned the trust and respect of all who met you.

The deep respect you showed to each one of us, your willingness and eagerness to involve us in taking the road less travelled and making hard decisions are things that will be remembered. You were dedicated to your task, sincere to the core, simple in life, able to remain calm under pressure, and never yielding to anger all tied together with an awesome sense of humour.

Your student-friendly approach and your understanding of the background of each student showing extra concern for those having problems—both academic and personal—will be lovingly remembered for a long time to come. Your calm and systematic approach to things and your emphasis on following the example of our patron saint, Mother Teresa of Calcutta made working with you all the richer.

With all my heart and with the blessings of the Mother Teresa Catholic College community, we wish you a contented and joyous retired life. May you approach your retirement with eagerness and enthusiasm and relax in the knowledge that we will continue to build upon the great legacy you have entrusted to us.

Bernadette Canny
Executive Assistant to Principal

Important Notices

The Student Lounge Podcast: Episode 6 - Making Jesus Real (MJR)

In this episode of The Student Lounge, we introduce our new presenters, Bethany Forbes and Isabelle Milne, student leaders representing the Arts and Culture portfolio at Mother Teresa Catholic College.

Bethany and Isabelle bring fresh energy and insights as they explore the Making Jesus Real (MJR) program at the College. Hear from Year 6 student leaders as they share their experiences living out MJR values, and join a special interview with Mr. Robert Svilicic for deeper insights into the program's impact. Celebrate the young leaders who are making a difference in our College community!


IT Closure Notice - Thursday 4 July

Dear Parents and Caregiver,

We wish to inform you that on Thursday 4 July, the College IT Department will be closed as we undertake important maintenance activities across the College’s IT, communication, and audiovisual systems.

This work is essential to maintain and enhance the technological infrastructure that supports your child’s education. While the IT department will not be available on this day, we are committed to minimising the impact and will ensure any messages left on phone (9591 7151) or email (it@motherteresa.wa.edu.au) are respond to in a timely manner the next day.

 We appreciate your understanding and support as we strive to improve our services and facilities. 

2024 NAIDOC Week Documentary Screening

Participate in an exciting and rewarding after-school screening of the award-winning 2019 PG-rated documentary film "In My Blood It Runs"! Learn about and reflect on the real experiences of Aboriginal school students in rural Australian communities as part of the College's NAIDOC Week in Term 3.

Film Synopsis: An intimate and compassionate observational documentary from the perspective of a 10-year-old Aboriginal boy in Alice Springs, Australia, struggling to balance his traditional Arrernte/Garrwa upbringing with a state education. Click here to view the trailer: https://youtu.be/Xvb3lrlY_0Q

Date: Tuesday 23/07/24 (Term 3 Week 2).
Time: 3:10pm-5:00pm (approximate end time).
Location: Secondary School Occupied Stairs.
Invitees: All Secondary students.
Required materials: A device (iPad).
Food: Small snacks will be provided. Students may have drinks in closed bottles.
RSVP: Friday 19/07/24 (Term 3 Week 1).

Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/7f5AfgRW3t
Posters advertising this event with a QR Code will also be displayed around the College.


2025 Indonesian Tour

We are pleased to announce our upcoming 2025 Indonesian Tour. The dates are 26 September – 2 October 2025. The tour will be open for current Year 8 – 10 students (Year 9 – 11 in 2025). View the tour information and apply today!


College Closure Reminder

Term 3 commences on Monday 15 July for both staff and students.

The College Administration holiday opening hours will be:
Monday 8 July – Friday 12 July (9.00am until 3.00pm)

The Uniform Shop holiday opening hours will be:

Wednesday 10 July – general sales (8.00am – 11.30pm then 12.00pm – 1.45pm)

Monday 15 July – general sales (8.00am – 12.00pm then 12.30 – 3.45pm)

Tuesday 16 July - return to normal trading hours

We wish all our families a wonderful and restful holiday break! To see all upcoming events and Term dates, visit: www.motherteresa.wa.edu.au/calendar


Staff Professional Development Day

Today our dedicated staff are taking part in a Staff Professional Development (PD) day while our students enjoy a pupil-free day. The training includes the Berry Street Education Model and Youth Mental Health First Aid, crucial programs that equip our team with the skills to support and nurture our students' academic and emotional well-being.

These professional development opportunities are vital for ensuring our educators are well-prepared to create a positive and resilient learning environment for all our students.

Additionally, today is a bittersweet day as we bid farewell to our foundation Principal, Ms. Geri O'Keefe, who has been a cornerstone of our College community for the past 11 years. Her leadership and dedication have been instrumental in shaping our school's values and culture. We thank her for her unwavering commitment and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

A heartfelt thank you to Laurence Collard for his beautiful Aboriginal artwork, which was gifted to Geri. This stunning piece will be a cherished reminder of her time at our College.

The Official Opening and Blessing of Stages 4,5,6 & 7

Friday 21 June was a momentous day at Mother Teresa Catholic College as we celebrated the Official Opening and Blessing of Stages 4, 5, 6 & 7 of our College building projects. We are incredibly grateful for the support of the Western Australian Government, Australian Government, Catholic Education Western Australia, and our wonderful MTCC community.

It was a joyous occasion with the entire College gathering in the gymnasium to hear inspiring words from our invited guests: Mr Wayne Bull (Executive Director - Catholic Education Western Australia), Most Reverend Donald Sproxton (Auxiliary Bishop - Catholic Archdiocese of Perth), Hon Madeleine King MP (Federal Member for Brand, Minister for Resources, and Minister for Northern Australia), Mr Ted Simpson (Chair of Mother Teresa Catholic College Advisory Council) and Mrs Susan Macdonald (Vice Principal).

We thank Marie Taylor for the beautiful Welcome to Country and Tryse Rioli for his mesmerising didgeridoo performance that added a special touch to our celebration. We also enjoyed spectacular performances by our talented students including our Junior and Senior choirs, Senior Dance and Drama students, and a snippet from our recent College production of The Little Mermaid.

 A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this day possible!

Indonesian Connections

On Wednesday 12 June, an Indonesian Assembly was held to farewell the 28 Indonesian students from BPK PENABUR Jakarta Christian Junior High School, who visited Mother Teresa Catholic College for a 3-day immersion program.

We welcomed special guests Mrs Listiana Operanta (Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia), Mr Antonius Prawira Yudianto (Consul for Information and Socio-Cultural Affairs), and Mr Robbie Gaspar (President of the Indonesia Institute) to our bilingual assembly.

The assembly showcased Indonesia's rich cultural heritage through lively performances and heartfelt speeches, highlighting the value of bilateral friendships and mutual respect between our two nations. Our special guests emphasised the importance of fostering connections between Indonesia and Australia through language and cultural understanding.

Our student buddies were commended for their role in the program. Through their kindness, patience, and willingness to embrace diversity, they ensured the program's success and left a lasting impression on our visiting Indonesian students. Bagus sekali!

Student Achievement

Mitchell Stirling (Year 10)

Year 10 student Mitch Stirling was selected for the Peel Thunder Futures Program at the start of the year and based on his performances in the WAFL Futures competition, he was selected for the WAFL 16u State Academy and WA State Team.

He travelled to Adelaide last weekend to play against South Australia and will travel to the Gold Coast in two weeks time to play against Victoria country and metro teams. Well done Mitchell!


Alicia Coles (Year 11)

Year 11 student Alicia Coles recently competed in her first half marathon race at the Brooks Joondalup Running Festival. Alicia has had a few challenges recently with her health but she has not let that stop her from running! She has been training consistently in preparation for this event and achieved her goal of finishing in under 2hrs.

She came away with first in her age category. 48th out of 196 female runners and 237th out of 513 overall runners. She then enjoyed 15mins in an ice bath after the race. Congratulations Alicia!

We love to celebrate student and staff achievement! If you have a success story and photo you'd like to share, email: marketing@motherteresa.wa.edu.au

Kindy News

New Garden Beds

The Kindy classes were very grateful to receive brand new garden beds from a Waste Sorted Grant organised by Mrs Helen McClenaghan. These new garden beds are wicking beds, which are self-contained and require less watering due to a wicking system and water reservoir within. Carla came to plant a variety of of vegetables that we are looking forward to looking after and watching grow. Thank you to Mrs McClenaghan for all her work applying for the grant, we can’t wait for our first harvest!

Sports and Outdoor Education (ODE) News

Year 5 & 6 Lightning Carnival

On Friday 21 June, Year 5 and 6 students represented the College in the PSSA Lightning Carnival. Students competed against other schools in soccer, netball, volleyball and AFL. Congratulations to our soccer team who took out the overall winner for the day! We got lucky with sunny weather and the sportsmanship and leadership was at an all time high.

Well done to all students and staff on a successful day!

Year 10 Outdoor Education (ODE) Camp

In Week 8, our Year 10 Outdoor Education (ODE) students put their skills to the test in a short but sweet Dwellingup adventure. Students experienced a 6.5km hike along the Chuditch Walking Trail, kayaking in the Murray River near Bob's Crossing and mountain biking along the Yarri Up Cross-Country Trail.

Students cooked their dinner on a trangia, spent time with the local wildlife and closed the camp out with an 'emu bob' to ensure the campsite was left better than we found it. What a fantastic experience!

Rockingham Kwinana Associated Schools (RKAS) Netball

Our Year 7s and Year 8/9s netball squad showcased exceptional sportsmanship and skill in the latest RKAS tournament for Mother Teresa Catholic College. Year 8 and 9s secured an impressive 3rd place overall, demonstrating their dedication and teamwork on the court.

Meanwhile, our Year 7s exhibited tremendous growth and talent, earning a commendable 4th place finish. From fast-paced skill to strategic game play, every match was a testament to their hard work and passion for the game. But it wasn't just about winning; it was about fostering friendships and fair play, making every game a celebration of sportsmanship. Each student is to be applauded for their incredible achievements and for embodying the true spirit of MTCC RKAS Netball.

VET & Workplace Learning News

Year 10 Workplace Learning

Our Year 10 Students have been taking part in practical, on-site work placements over the past two weeks. Students engaged in a variety of industries that provided opportunities for them to gain employability skills and develop a better awareness of their career options. Industries included automotive, building and construction, education, food, hospitality, information technology, veterinary nursing and various retail.

We have received positive feedback from our host employers and we are very proud of our students for being fantastic representatives of the College. We thank all the host employers in our community for providing our students with real life work experience. Without your involvement, this experience would not be possible!

Languages News

Year 9 Indonesian Cooking

Year 9 students recently explored Indonesian cuisine by cooking lumpia (spring rolls) and martabak telur (egg and mince parcels). Lumpia, influenced by Chinese cuisine, is a popular snack filled with vegetables or meat, which symbolises the blending of cultures and is commonly enjoyed during festive occasions and family gatherings. Martabak, a savory parcel, is often filled with egg, meat, and spices and is a staple at Indonesian night markets.

This culinary activity not only taught students cooking skills but also provided a taste of Indonesia’s diverse and vibrant food culture. Enak sekali!

Building Friendships Across Cultures

 Indonesian students from BPK Penabur Christian Junior High School in Jakarta recently visited Mother Teresa Catholic College, igniting an exciting cultural exchange through a buddy program.

Each student was paired with an MTCC buddy, leading to vibrant friendships and invaluable cross-cultural learning. Together, they participated in classes and activities, sharing stories, experiences, and traditions. This unique opportunity not only built lifelong friendships but also enhanced cultural understanding, fostering a sense of global community. These connections go beyond cultural exchange – they highlight the lasting value of building relationships across cultures.

Below are some student buddy’s reflections of the experience: 

I enjoyed being able to make a new friend and being able to learn more about the Indonesian culture from a student’s perspective. 
- (Grace Frawley, Year 7). 

This was an amazing opportunity because I got one on one experience with someone from Indonesia who could help me develop my Indonesian language skills and cultural understanding. 
- (Charlee Bauer, Year 8).

I loved hanging out with the Indonesian students, learning with them, watching them dance and sing the song together at the Assembly. 
(Aalyra Woods, Year 8).

I loved being able to look forward to meeting my buddy every morning and taking him to all my classes. We compared the ways how our schools are different and similar, which let us learn about each other. 
- (Joshua Heap, Year 9).

I enjoyed learning more about the Indonesian language and culture as we learn Indonesian at school. I also thought it was a cool opportunity to make friends. I really enjoyed meeting my buddy’s friends too; I found them easy to get along with. I introduced him to my friends, and I think it was a very cool learning experience for us all. 
- (Selena Cornejo, Year 8). 

I enjoyed making a friend that was just as passionate as I am to study another language. I also used this opportunity as a chance to practice my Indonesian and we would have conversations in Indonesian. 
- (Milla Feighan, Year 10).

Library News

National Best Friends Day

Saturday 8 June was National Best Friends Day, so we celebrated this in the Library by discussing what it means to be a friend and how to be a great friend. The Pre-Primary to Year 2 classes also had the opportunity to read the same book with their friends and really enjoyed sharing their favourite book.

Refugee Week

For Refugee Week we have been giving the students some information on what a refugee is and have a range of books available for borrowing that demonstrate the amazing struggles that many have overcome. We have also changed the layout of our Library to increase the use of space and also allow easier access to books for the students. Keep Reading!

Community News

Rockingham Youth Centre (RYC) School Holiday Program

Contact the Youth Centre – youthcentre@rockingham.wa.gov.au or 9591 0836.

Murdoch University After School Program

The Murdoch University After School Program in Mathematics and Physical Sciences provides classes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Each course runs for 2 hours each week from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm starting the second week of school term. Students are welcome to attend 1 to 3 times a week depending on their interests.

Please see the attached flyer or e-mail AfterSchoolProgram@murdoch.edu.au for more information.

NRL WA - School Holiday Clinic

This clinic will be 2 hours of Rugby League fun at a central venue for all to enjoy. All participants will receive a healthy morning tea as well as a NRL League Stars Holiday Clinic including a football, hat, bag and much more!



Tuesday - Friday: 9.00am
Saturdays: 6.00pm
Sundays: 9.30am & 5.00pm
1st Friday of each month: Adoration (following 9am Mass)
Benediction 10.15am


Saturday: 5.30 - 5.50pm (prior to Mass)

Online Community

Join our online College community to keep up to date with news as it happens. Click the links below!

The next edition of the Mother Teresa Catholic College e-News will be released on Friday 26 July 2024.