

In this Issue:

  • Principal’s Welcome

  • Important Notices

  • Events

  • Student Achievement

  • The Arts News

  • Sports and Outdoor Education News

  • VET/Workplace Learning News

  • Languages News

  • Library News

  • Community News

Principal’s Welcome

We are delighted to welcome Mr. Joe Hoyne as the new Short-Term Principal of Mother Teresa Catholic College. With a wealth of experience in educational leadership, Mr. Hoyne brings a deep commitment to fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment for all our students.

Mr. Hoyne’s vision aligns seamlessly with our College’s values. He is dedicated to continuing our mission of providing quality Catholic education while encouraging each student to reach their fullest potential.

We are confident that under Mr. Hoyne’s leadership, Mother Teresa Catholic College will continue to thrive and excel. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Mr. Hoyne as he embarks on this new journey with our College community.

Important Notices

Traffic Warden - Children's Crossing UPDATE

Unfortunately, the College no longer has a WA Police-appointed Traffic Warden who works at the Pedestrian Crossing on Eighty Road. The WA Police Department have no relief staff available and are unable to fill the position at this time. The College is working with the department to resolve this issue. 

The College asks for all in our community to take appropriate action and remain vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present. All staff, parents and caregivers must be mindful and take extra care when driving along Eighty Road.

Thank you for your support and understanding.


School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI)

Eligible households can receive FREE internet for up to 12 months! The Australian Government has launched the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) to provide free home internet for one year for up to 30,000 unconnected Australian families with school-aged students.

The program is available to all students who lack an active NBN connection at home. Families can register until Dec 2024. Call 1800 954 610 or visit www.anglicarevic.org.au/student-internet to learn more about the eligibility criteria and how you can get connected.


2025 Indonesian Tour

We are pleased to announce our upcoming 2025 Indonesian Tour. The dates are 26 September – 2 October 2025. The tour will be open for current Year 8 – 10 students (Year 9 – 11 in 2025). View the tour information and apply today!


100 Days of Pre-Primary

It was a heartwarming day in Pre-Primary on Wednesday as our students celebrated the significant milestone of 100 days of full-time school! To mark this special occasion, both students and staff dressed up as 100-year-olds!

Seeing our little ones shuffle into the classroom with canes, spectacles, and silver hair melted our hearts. They truly embodied the "old and wise" look with charm and enthusiasm! We are incredibly proud of our Pre-Primary students for their dedication and growth over these 100 days. Each day, they've learned, laughed, and made new friends. We can't wait to see what the next 100 days have in store for them. A huge shout-out to our amazing teachers and education assistants who make every day at school an adventure filled with learning and joy!

Junior School NAIDOC Gathering

On Monday 22 July, we kicked off our NAIDOC Week celebrations with a vibrant Junior School gathering. We were honoured to welcome Olman from Boorloo Aboriginal Cultural Experiences, who captivated our young audience with a showcase of different types of boomerangs, engaging dreamtime stories, soulful songs, and a mesmerising didgeridoo performance!

Our students had a fantastic time learning about the rich cultural heritage and traditions of our First Nations people. A highlight was singing the Wanjoo song together and discovering its beautiful meaning. It was an unforgettable experience for everyone, filled with learning, music, and cultural appreciation. We look forward to more enriching activities throughout NAIDOC Week 2024!

This National NAIDOC Week Activity was funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency.

NAIDOC Week Bush Tucker Tasting Experience

On Wednesday 24 July, our Secondary students savoured the flavours of the land with a delectable bush tucker tasting experience as part of our NAIDOC Week celebrations. Thanks to the incredible efforts of our Food Science and Technology staff and students, everyone had the chance to sample lemon myrtle shortbread, native bliss balls, damper with berry compote, and even some adventurous flavoured crickets and mealworms!

It was a wonderful journey of taste and appreciation for the unique culinary traditions of our First Nations peoples. We're so proud of our students and staff for creating such an enriching and memorable experience.

Secondary NAIDOC Week Assembly

On Wednesday morning, our Secondary School (Years 7-12) celebrated NAIDOC Week with a special assembly.

The event began with a warm welcome, Acknowledgment of Country, and a NAIDOC prayer. Our Year 12 Student Leaders highlighted the significance of NAIDOC Week and the leadership opportunities at our College.

The following students were recognised for their outstanding dedication to Christian Service Learning (CSL):

  • Alicia Cole (Year 11): 92 hours

  • Grace Cole (Year 10): 130 hours

  • Tahlia Phillips (Year 9): 31 hours

  • Lacey Sines (Year 8): over 20 hours

  • Sophie-Ella Carter (Year 7): over 20 hours

We also celebrated our students' achievements in The Arts and Sports, showcasing the incredible talent and spirit within our College. Congratulations to Year 7 student, Jordan Manfield, for placing third in his age group for the ACC Cross Country and receiving an ACC All Star Pin. The assembly concluded with a heartfelt address from our Principal, Mr. Joe Hoyne, celebrating the achievements and unity of our College community.

Year 10 Faith Retreat

On Thursday 18 July, our Year 10 cohort participated in their Year 10 Faith Retreat. The theme of the day was ‘Real Relationships’, facilitated by the team from Faith Retreats. Students were led through a journey of the Christian understanding of relationships and what it means to create and grow a relationship. The retreat introduced the four modes of relationship from a Christian perspective, exploring our relationships with God, self, others and creation.

Over the course of the day, students participated in fun and energetic group activities which encouraged teamwork and interaction with peers. They had many opportunities to think, reflect, discuss, ask questions, and share plenty of laughs and insights.

This was wonderful way to kick off Term 3, and we hope our Year 10 students were able to build some 'Real Relationships'!

Student Achievement

Sean de Knegt (Year 7)

Sean de Knegt has been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2024 Netball 12s Boys Championship. This team will be competing at the School Sport Australia National Championships in Parkville, Victoria from Saturday 7 September to Friday 13 September 2024. Well done Sean!


Ava McCallion (Year 8)

Ava McCallion has been selected to play for WA Touch in the National Youth Championships being played in Coffs Harbour, NSW in September. This is fantastic achievement to make the Under 16 team at only 13 years old. Well done Ava!


We love to celebrate student and staff achievement! If you have a success story and photo you'd like to share, email: marketing@motherteresa.wa.edu.au

The Arts News

Catholic Performing Arts Festival (CPAF) Bible Readings

Three Arts and Culture ambassadors from the College showcased the spirit of Jesus during the first official event of Bible Reading for the Catholic Education WA Catholic Performing Arts Festival (CPAF) on Friday 19 July. Mena Lyon, Bethany Forbes, and Alicia Coles represented the College and received outstanding feedback from event adjudicator Rosalie Cobai:

"Bethany's reading leaves a lasting impression... I see potential leadership in your future”

Alicia's reading was praised for her exceptional eye contact and clear diction, which captivated the audience. Mena's use of strategic pauses and expressive delivery captivated the listeners, enabling them to fully grasp the profound message conveyed in this scripture.

The festival showcases the students' remarkable abilities and skills while commemorating the significance and delight of The Arts in our students and College communities. We eagerly look forward to the upcoming term, which promises a variety of exciting events for our students. From instrumental and vocal solos to our rock band and Senior Choir performances, we extend our best wishes for success to all participants!

Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Auditions 

Auditions will be held at MTCC Arts Centre, G2, Saturday 10 August 2024

Audition Pack

Audition Requirements:

  • Please download the Audition Pack.

  • Please complete the Audition Form. 

  • All Auditions will be closed.

  • Please wear suitable attire to move in. No bare feet or thongs.

  • Auditions will commence with a group movement audition followed by script reading sessions.

  • You will need to prepare one or more of the scene selections, please see audition pack.

  • Please be familiar with the scenes of the characters you are interested in. However you may not be asked to read for all characters you want to be considered for.

  • You may be required to read additional scenes from the script at the discretion of the audition panel.

Audition Form

Sports and Outdoor Education (ODE) News

RKAS Netball Carnival

Our Year 10-12 Netball team showcased exceptional sportsmanship and skill in the latest RKAS Netball tournament for Mother Teresa Catholic College.

Finishing 3rd overall and given an opportunity to play in the elimination rounds, the team continuously demonstrated their dedication and teamwork on the court. Every match was a testament to their passion for the game and when it was time to verse Emmanuel Catholic College in the elimination game, the students continued to display their sportsmanship and skill.

Although not successful in moving through to the next round, each student is to be congratulated for their incredible achievements and for embodying the true spirit of MTCC Netball. Well done to all involved!

ACC Soccer Championships

The MTCC Senior boys qualified for the ACC Soccer Championships after a strong showing at the RKAS one-day carnival where they finished second overall.

This result saw us travel up to play the round of 16 clash against Sacred Heart College in Sorrento. After a slow start, the boys were 2 goals down, but after a rousing half time talk from Mr Calkin, the boys rallied and played a much stronger second half. A fantastic free kick from Dontae brought the deficit back to 1 goal.

Unfortunately, Sacred Heart's experience was too great and the final score was 3-1 to Sacred Heart. Congratulations to the Senior boys on a great season - we will back next year for another crack!

Junior School PSSA Interschool Cross Country

On Wednesday 24 July, our Year 4-6 students competed in the PSSA Interschool Cross Country Carnival. It was a great day out with many students achieving incredible results, including:

  • Denis Murphy - 1st Year 4 boy

  • Brodie Evans - 2nd Year 4 boy

  • Nevaeh Kyle-Ryan - 2nd place Year 5 girl

  • Harper Adrian - 2nd Year 4 girl

Congratulations to all of our amazing young athletes!

VET & Workplace Learning News

VETDSS Cert III Events – 65 Roses Day 

Congratulations and well done to Year 11 student, Kimberly Sibanda, who recently participated in this year’s 65 Roses Day event. Kimberly is completing a VETDSS (Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students) course as part of her Year 11 studies; Certificate III in Events at South Metropolitan TAFE. As part of the course, she assisted with the planning and preparation for the day in her role as an event support assistant. 

 65 Roses Day is Cystic Fibrosis WA’s National Day of Awareness for cystic fibrosis. The funds raised help them to provide vital support to people with cystic fibrosis and fund critical research.  The events students were part of a team who raised over $20,000. Overall, the event raised more than $150,000. 

“During the event planning of the 65 Roses Day, I enjoyed being able to see the whole day come together and do my part in raising money for a good cause. Being able to help others in a small way by raising awareness for Cystic Fibrosis made all the work worth it. Going to TAFE allows me to have opportunities to practise my leadership, gain skills like teamwork and problem solving and see how the event planning industry works and how to create successful events.”
Kimberly Sibanda 


Shopping in Indonesia 

Year 9 Indonesian students have been learning about shopping and bargaining in Indonesian. Below are some tips and tricks for the best shopping experience in Indonesia: 

  • Bargaining is a common practice in Indonesia, especially in local markets and smaller shops. To get the best deals, maintain a friendly demeanour and be prepared for some back-and-forth negotiation. 

  • Learning a few basic phrases in Bahasa Indonesia can help build rapport with sellers. 

  • When a seller quotes a high price, express surprise with a polite exclamation like "Wah, mahal sekali!" (Wow, very expensive!). This signals you are knowledgeable and sets the stage for negotiation. 

  • If the seller remains firm, pretend to leave to go to another shop. Often, the vendor will call you back with a better offer. 

  • Keep the tone friendly and respectful, and always be prepared to walk away if the price doesn’t meet your expectations. 

Selamat berbelanja - Happy shopping!

Roleplay by Josh & Yohan.


To support ‘Plastic Free July’ we are all encouraged to reduce our use of single use plastic. ‘Plastic Free July’ is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution so we can have beautiful, clean communities. During their Sustainability lessons, students from Years 4-6 have made a pledge to try and use less soft plastic while learning about plastic pollution. Many of our families are great supporters of reducing their plastic waste by supporting ‘Waste Free Wednesday’ in our College. Everything in a waste free lunch box can be eaten, reused or composted.

Schools Tree Day (Friday 26 July) is a great opportunity to inspire and educate future generations on the many benefits of trees and connection with nature. This week, the Year 3 and Year 5 students had fun planting and learning about bush tucker plants in our house gardens. The Year 1 and Year 4 students planted some butterfly attracting bushes and trees in the Butterfly Garden. The students had interesting discussions about the importance of trees. They decided trees give us oxygen, store carbon, give us shade, provide us with food and materials, and support wildlife as well.

The school chickens have been getting a lot of love from all the students over the past two weeks. The chickens provide love and calmness to our students while teaching them a sense of responsibility and the importance of compassion and care.

To celebrate NAIDOC week, during their Sustainability lessons with Mr Clarke, the Year 6 students are using iPad to illustrate and create Augmented Reality (AR) scenes based on the College’s four house elements: Kaal (fire), Kep (water), Boodjar (land) and Maar (wind). Utilising the Reality Composer app, this project allows users to see student’s digital illustrations augmented onto the real world and hear voice recordings explaining the cultural significance of each element. The community will have the opportunity to view and experience the student’s work in the Junior School bush tucker gardens using an iPad very soon!

Library News

Community News

The Best Australian Yarn Competition

The Best Australian Yarn is back and bigger than ever! Submit your best short story for your chance to win a life-changing $50,000 major prize! Your story deserves to be told.

"A powerful story can transport us to new worlds, ignite our emotions, and make the ordinary feel extraordinary.
The Best Australian Yarn celebrates the art of storytelling by giving writers across the country a platform to share their short stories. It's a quest to uncover Australia's finest literary talents and our most engaging storytellers.

We're calling on all writers - published or unpublished - from every corner of Australia to get creative and submit their short story of up to 2500 words."

Total prize pool of $80,000 in cash prizes across a number of categories:

Overall Winner - $50,000
Runner Up - $4,000
The Navitas ESL (English as a Second Language) Winner - $3,000
The First Nations Storytelling Winner - $3,000
Regional Australia Winner - $3,000
Youth Winner - $1,500 (12-14 years)
Youth Winner - $1,500 (15-18 years)
Comic Story Winner - $3,000
Comic Story Youth Winners - $1,500 (12-14 years) and (15-18 years)
8 shortlisted finalists - $8,000 ($1,000 each)

Entries close 12 August 2024.

Rockingham Youth Centre / Libraries event - A.J. Betts Creative Writing Workshop

A.J. Betts, an award-winning Western Australian author, will be facilitating a free Creative Writing Workshop at the Rockingham Youth Centre on Friday 16 August 2024 between 3.30pm – 4.30pm. The event is free for participants, but bookings are required:

Rockingham Youth Centre - Term 3 and 4 Flyer

Department of Education - Parent Information Session

VacSwim Program

VacSwim provides children aged five to 17 years with the opportunity to develop and progress their swimming and water safety skills during the October and summer school holidays. We offer programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced swimmers at over 175 locations across Western Australia.

For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit our website.

Murdoch University Open Nights

28th & 29th of August and 4th of September
5:30pm – 7:30pm

Murdoch University invites you to join us for our 2024 Open Nights. 

Spread over three nights, prospective students, their families and the wider community are invited to Explore, Discover and Immerse themselves in everything that Murdoch University has to offer.

  • Hear first-hand from our students and academics about what to expect when studying at Murdoch.

  • Explore double major and double degree combinations and possibilities

  • Tour our state-of-the-art facilities

  • Find out where our courses can take you in your career

  • Learn from current students about the practical experiences and opportunities available while you're studying

  • Find out how to gain entry through portfolio and enabling pathways

  • Ask questions about the application process, scholarships and support services

Register for your preferred nights now!

Wednesday 28th August          Health & Education

Thursday 29th August                Sciences, Information Technology, Engineering & Maths 

Wednesday 4th September    Business, Law, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences


Tuesday - Wednesday: 9.00am
Thursday: 8.00am
Friday: 9.00am
Saturday: 6.00pm
Sunday: 9.30am & 5.00pm
1st Friday of each month: Adoration (following 9am Mass)
Benediction 10.15am


Saturday: 5.30 - 5.50pm (prior to Mass)

Online Community

Join our online College community to keep up to date with news as it happens. Click the links below!

The next edition of the Mother Teresa Catholic College e-News will be released on Friday 09 August 2024.