CPAF Bible Readings


Three Arts and Culture ambassadors from the College showcased the spirit of Jesus during the first official event of Bible Reading for the Catholic Education WA Catholic Performing Arts Festival (CPAF) on Friday 19 July.

Mena Lyon, Bethany Forbes, and Alicia Coles represented the College and received outstanding feedback from event adjudicator Rosalie Cobai:

"Bethany's reading leaves a lasting impression... I see potential leadership in your future”

Alicia's reading was praised for her exceptional eye contact and clear diction, which captivated the audience. Mena's use of strategic pauses and expressive delivery captivated the listeners, enabling them to fully grasp the profound message conveyed in this scripture.

The festival showcases the students' remarkable abilities and skills while commemorating the significance and delight of The Arts in our students and College communities.

We eagerly look forward to the upcoming term, which promises a variety of exciting events for our students. From instrumental and vocal solos to our rock band and Senior Choir performances, we extend our best wishes for success to all participants!