The School Advisory Council is writing to ask for your assistance. Our many attempts to have the City of Rockingham take ownership of the completion of the intersection at Sixty Eight and Eighty Roads has fallen on deaf ears. The realignment of the road was in the original structure plan in 2012, prior to the school being started and 9 years later it is still not completed. 

This issue is causing significant concerns for the safety of our community around school drop off and pick up times. If the road network was completed as per the plan, the issues would be significantly lessened, if not completely eliminated as the majority of traffic would be diverted around the school as per the infrastructure plan which is explained in the link below. 

Parkland Heights - Structure Plan Report Part Two (rockingham.wa.gov.au)

There was an amendment in 2017 to include an additional School and Community district, below is a transport impact assessment on this amendment. 

Parkland Heights - Transport Impact Assessment (rockingham.wa.gov.au)

It is now 2021, the vast majority of the Parklands Heights Structure plan is completed, yet there are no plans at this stage to complete the realignment of Eighty Road and complete the Nairn Drive inter connector. 


As you are aware, the City of Rockingham Council Elections are fast approaching in October 2021. We would like to make this a significant local election issue. Last year we conducted an online petition which attracted well over 1500 signatures, however the Council failed to recognise the legitimacy of the online petition. 

What we would like you to do, is to send an email to EVERY current sitting councillor, and any candidate in the upcoming election. Ideally, we would like one email sent per household. All you need to do is to copy the below email addresses, paste them into the β€œTo” box. Copy the full message (written below in italics), paste this to the body of your email, drop in your signature, then hit send. 

If we can get every parent, guardian, grandparent or concerned local resident within the school area to complete this, we believe the issue will become an election issue, and we may get some action. 

The Advisory council will also attend the council meeting being held on tonight and ask the same question of the entire council. 

We need your help to get this moving. If you can complete the email, we would greatly appreciate your support. 

Instructions - 

Please address the email - 

TO -  craig.buchanan@protonmail.comdeb.hamblin@gmail.commark4rockingham@gmail.comlorna4mayor@gmail.comcullumashton@hotmail.comjackapleiter@gmail.comCynthia.Deeble@gmail.combraydengreig01.baldivis@gmail.comkelly.middlecoat@gmail.combrett4baldivis@gmail.comrob4cometbay@gmail.comdavidtelegramsam@gmail.comdirk@dirkmulder.comdawnjecks@gmail.comhume.caro@gmail.comprivilegerebecca@gmail.commark4rockingham@gmail.comrpe76831@bigpond.net.aucullumashton@hotmail.comkirsty.rose@hotmail.comjackapleiter@gmail.comcr.davies@rockingham.wa.gov.aucr.edwards@rockingham.wa.gov.aucr.buchan@rockingham.wa.gov.aucr.jones@rockingham.wa.gov.aubarry.sammels@rockingham.wa.gov.aucr.stewart@rockingham.wa.gov.aucr.hamblin@rockingham.wa.gov.aucr.liley@rockingham.wa.gov.aucr.buchanan@rockingham.wa.gov.aucr.cottam@rockingham.wa.gov.au

and copy in - CC - admin@motherteresa.wa.edu.au

Copy and paste the below message (italics) 

Dear City of Rockingham Councillor / Candidate, 

I am writing to you as a concerned resident in regard to the intersection of Eighty and Sixty-Eight Roads in Baldivis, which has been the location of several deaths in recent years. 

This intersection was to be realigned as per the Structure Plan approved by council in 2012. Since the 2012 approval, development in the area has seen a significant increase in traffic volume on both Eighty and Sixty-Eight Roads. 

In 2017 an amendment to the structure plan was approved to cater for an additional primary school in the area, and work was completed to accommodate this school with the northern section of the Nairn Drive realignment completed. 

The approved works on Eighty and Sixty-Eight Road intersection have not been undertaken. There have been repeated requests to the City of Rockingham, the State Government, Main Roads WA and the developer of Parkland Heights to address traffic issues that have evolved in recent years. 

Could you please outline your position to me on the action you will take to ensure the City of Rockingham Council provide a safe environment on Eighty Road adjacent to Mother Teresa Catholic College? 




References -
Parkland Heights - Structure Plan Report Part Two (rockingham.wa.gov.au)
Parkland Heights - Transport Impact Assessment (rockingham.wa.gov.au)

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Together, we believe we can make a difference. 

MTCC Advisory Council