Kiss and Go Arrangements


Just a reminder about Kiss and Drive requirements in our Junior School Car park, these arrangements apply to all in our community .

In the mornings:

Parents of Junior School students are encouraged to continue to use the Kiss & Drive. Those who wish to walk their child/children to school are asked to arrive between 8.20am and 8.30am then ‘KISS & GO’ outside the Junior School classrooms.

No students should be arriving at school BEFORE 8.15am. Those families that need to drop off students prior to 8.15 am should book their child/children into OSH. There are no staff on duty until 8.15 so for obvious health and safety reasons children MUST NOT be dropped off unsupervised.

In the afternoons:

All Junior school children are to be collected between 3pm to 3.20pm.

Families who wish to collect their child/children, personally, must do so via the main entrance to the Junior School. Families arriving before 2.55 must wait outside the old reception building.

Families are requested not to park their vehicles in the Kiss and Drive bays , if you are parked in these bays you will be asked to drive around or park until your child/children are ready to be collected. Parking in these bays causes congestion in our car park which ultimately spills onto Eighty Road which leads to complaints on a daily basis from the wider community.

Any child not collected by 3.20pm will be taken to the main College Administration.

Please note that in the interest of safety for all of our students the Junior School Car park gates will be locked from 9.00 am to 2.30pm . Parents wishing to access the College during these hours are asked to do so via the gates outside administration and they must report to reception.