

In this Issue:

  • Message from the Principal

  • Important Notices

  • Events

  • The Arts News

  • Sports and Outdoor Education News

  • Christian Service Learning (CSL) News

  • Library News

  • Sustainability News

  • Community News

Message from the Principal

It has been a pleasure to lead the Mother Teresa Catholic College community this Semester and I look forward to being part of the myriads of activities the community will be involved in over the coming Semester. The past four weeks has quickly reminded me of the busy nature of schools and what our staff and students are able to achieve. In leading a community, I ask that all members give of their best and strive to always be the best version of themselves. I understand we cannot be on our game 100% of the time but when we take time to reflect, it is important to say I gave of my best. This is for all students and staff, and a mantra by which I live and work with others.

I have had the opportunity to be present at various activities and I have been impressed with the attitude and the positive way students have adapted and accepted what has been provided. This has been highlighted by our Year 12 students who attended their retreat last week. The feedback received by the College has shown both an appreciation for what was prepared, and the students have gained much from the experience. Thank you to the staff who attended the retreat and to Mr Edwards and Mrs Doyle who facilitated the two days. For our Year 12s, they have 6 weeks left of formal school and we look forward to sharing with them their final weeks and the transition to post school opportunities. Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. A reminder to parents and guardians of important dates for the Year 12 students.

Year 12 Farewell

The final day for Year 12 students is Friday 20 September, commencing with breakfast at 7.30am, which is a special event for Year 12 students and College staff.  The breakfast is catered by the Friends of Mother Teresa and served by our Year 11 Student Leaders. At 9.00am the students will attend their final Assembly which will be held in the Gymnasium.  This special assembly is to celebrate the Year 12 students’ graduation.

Following recess (10.30am to 10.50am) students will follow an alternate timetable which will include a Liturgy and a Reflection on their time at the College. This will conclude at 12.35pm and the students will be dismissed. Graduation Day is Friday 18 October.  The students will arrive for Mass at 10am dressed in their formal summer uniform. Mass will commence at 10.15am and conclude at 11.15am with a morning tea in the College Café. Students will commence Graduation evening rehearsals at 11.45am and be dismissed at 1.15pm.

In the evening, commencing at 5.45pm, students will escort their parents/caregivers to meet their Homeroom Teachers in the Café and remain there until the Graduation Ceremony commences at 6.00pm which will include a Liturgy, Year 12 Awards and speeches. A light cocktail-like supper will commence at 7.30pm. There will be further information to families in the coming week in terms of these activities.

The Catholic Performing Arts Festival (CPAF) continues throughout August and thank you to Mr Brad Tudor and staff for the preparing of our students for the various performances. The feedback from the organisers of the CPAF has been very positive. Congratulations to all students who have participated to this date and best wishes for those still to perform.

On Saturday and Sunday, our Year 4 students will be making their First Holy Communion at one of the Parish Masses. This is an important sacrament within the Church and is one of the rights of initiation along with Baptism in the Church. We pray that the students in Year 4 who receive their First Holy Communion sense the graces that come with the sacrament. Thank you to the staff who have prepared the students and the parents for their support in guiding their child at this important time.

A reminder to all families (K-12) the College Staff will be undertaking Professional Development on Friday 23 August and on Monday 26 August, staff will be taking a Catholic Day.  Both of these days are Pupil Free Day for students.

Mr. Joseph Hoyne


Important Notices

Upcoming Pupil Free Days

A friendly reminder to our community of the upcoming Pupil Free Days on Friday 23 (Staff PD Day) and Monday 26 August 2024 (Catholic Day). The College will be closed from 4pm Thursday 22 August and will re-open at 8am on Tuesday 27 August 2024.

Sacramental Masses this Weekend

We wish to extend our best wishes and congratulations to each of our students as they receive their First Holy Communion this weekend in our Parish Community.

As you take this important step in your faith journey, may you feel the warmth of God's love and the strength of His grace. We pray that this sacred moment will fill your hearts with peace, joy, and a deeper connection to our Lord.

May your First Holy Communion be the beginning of a lifelong commitment to your faith, guided by the values of love, compassion, and kindness that Mother Teresa so beautifully exemplified. We are proud of you and hold you in our prayers as you embrace this blessed occasion.

Mass times:
Saturday 10 August 6.00pm
Sunday 11 August 9.30pm
Sunday 11 August 5.00pm

Children Crossing - No Traffic Warden

Unfortunately, the College no longer has a WA Police-appointed Traffic Warden who works at the Pedestrian Crossing on Eighty Road. The WA Police Department have no relief staff available and are unable to fill the position at this time. The College is working with the department to resolve this issue. 

We ask for all in our community to take appropriate action and remain vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present. All staff, parents and caregivers must be mindful and take extra care when driving along Eighty Road.

Thank you for your support and understanding.


2025 Humanities Tour - Limited Spaces Available

Due to students withdrawing, there are now some limited places available for the 2025 Humanities Tour.

The Tour is being held between 10 April - 17 April 2025, spending three days in Sydney and four days in Canberra. The Tour will have a Humanities focus, as students will attend the world class War Memorial, Parliament House, and sightseeing such as the Sydney Bridge and Opera House.

The cost is $2950 (the 2023 cohort receiving a $450 rebate after, 2025 rebate TBC). Included in the cost of the trip is flights and travel from Perth, to Sydney and Canberra plus return. Accommodation in Sydney and Canberra that includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, a tour jacket, entrance to all educational sites, an AFL or NRL game (dependant on 2025 fixtures) and lots of fun!

Applications are open to current Year 8 students (Year 9 in 2025) and Year 9 students (Year 10 in 2025) - first in best dressed for these very limited places!

To sign up, please email: owen.wadsworth@cewa.edu.au

New Cricket Pitch - Secondary

The College has recently had the cricket pitch cover on the new Secondary Oval completed by All Seasons Synthetic Turf, improving the look, safety and use of the oval for our students.  


The 2024 Year 12 Retreat

From Wednesday to Friday last week, Year 12 students and a select group of staff braved the fickle elements, as well as the haunted and historic Woodman Point campsite, for one of the iconic events on our College’s calendar, the Year 12 Retreat. 

Students participated in a range of sessions based on their past, present and future, encouraging them, at this critical junction in their lives, to reflect on their personal journey to date. These sessions were challenging, and it was wonderful to see the honesty, openness and creativity of our students on display. They enjoyed the company of their teachers and peers, and were incredibly supportive during some emotional sessions where tears were the rule rather than the exception.

As with many school camps, some found the meals similarly upsetting, but there was ample sugary snacks to fuel other shenanigans, including all in soccer games, basketball, some serious verandah rapping, dawn beach walks and a night time spotlight session in pursuit of the green ‘Orb of Doom’. Dorms were of course, subject to inspection, and the choreographed musical fashion in which the inspectors were welcomed into the girls dorms on the last night was indeed a highlight.

Our College aims far beyond academic success for our people; ultimately we strive to support our students to grow into caring, confident young adults who develop strong relationships and make a positive contribution to their world. In many ways, the Year 12 Retreat is the culmination of this for our students. The confidence and humour of our young men and women as they faced a circle of their Year 12 peers and voiced publicly what the Retreat meant to them was inspirational. 

At our College, this event is a young and growing tradition, and like everyone else involved in the 2024 iteration of the Year 12 Retreat, I am very grateful to have been involved and to see the impact it had on our Class of 2024.

Mr. Greg Cranwell
Year 12 Coordinator

Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC)

This week, students from Years 3-12 participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). First run in 1978, the AMC is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition for School students. The competition consists of 30 questions and is completed by thousands of students from both Australia and New Zealand.

The competition ran smoothly thanks to the excellent coordination by Mr Fassom and Mr Chapman. We look forward to seeing our results when the scores are released later this year. Well done everyone!

The Arts News

2025 Arts Scholarships and Music Bursaries - OPEN NOW

Mother Teresa Catholic College is pleased to provide The Arts Scholarship and Music Bursary to students who demonstrate a deep commitment to enhancing and strengthening the College's passion for The Arts. To be eligible for these prestigious awards, students must demonstrate a steadfast enthusiasm for promoting the development and significance of artistic pursuits within our institution.

Additionally, candidates must showcase an exceptional level of commitment and display genuine aptitude across diverse arts disciplines within the community. Through these scholarships and bursaries, we aim to recognise and support individuals who exemplify exceptional talent, passion, and dedication to the arts, contributing to the vibrant artistic culture of Mother Teresa Catholic College.

To apply for the 2025 Arts Scholarship or Music Tuition Bursary, please fill in the form below.

View full Terms & Conditions

Catholic Performing Arts Festival (CPAF) Vocal Solos

Mother Teresa Catholic College's talent was on full display at the most recent round of vocal solos for the Catholic Performing Arts Festival! Our students performed an eclectic mix of songs and genres for Vocal Adjudicator Mrs Lisa Harper-Brown, culminating in a stunning rendition of "Afternoon" by Georgia Carter and Zaidin Van Zyl.

Kaelan Battersby, Harry Deacon, Molly Tamburrini, Kendall and Bethany Forbes, Payton Medcalf, Lucas Conway, and Caitlin Sultana also strongly represented the College, accompanied by our phenomenal Piano Tutor, Mrs Sudjana under the guidance of Miss McGarrity and Mrs Tudor. Congratulations and well done to all of our students performing at the festival!

MTCC Rocks at CPAF

On Monday 29 July, a number of Catholic Schools from around Western Australia took to the stage at Sacred Heart College in Sorrento for an epic battle of the bands! Mother Teresa Catholic College was proudly represented by Kaelan Battersby, Georgia Carter, Harry Deacon, Charlotte Mandy, and Summer Tyler. Under the guidance of Mrs Shanice Tudor, they delivered a stellar performance.

Jon Clements, the event adjudicator, praised the performance as “Fantastic…you guys glue together really well as a unit… Lovely work from you all this evening”.

Disney’s The Little Mermaid Screening

The cast and crew of Disney’s The Little Mermaid gathered for a special screening of our recent production, celebrating our hard work and dedication with a delightful afternoon tea. A huge thank you to Kingston’s Kitchen for the amazing afternoon tea! Your support and delicious treats made our celebration even more memorable. 

Sports and Outdoor Education (ODE) News

Year 10 AFL Carnival

On Wednesday 31 July, Year 9 and 10 students travelled North of the river to compete in the Annual ACC Year 10 AFL Carnival. The girls team went through the tournament undefeated, earning themselves the Division 5 Shield for 2024 and promoting the Mother Teresa Catholic College girls team into Division 4 for 2025.

The boys team put up a great fight despite having low numbers, winning their first two games. The boys unfortunately ran out of legs in the last two games, losing by narrow margins. Great sportsmanship and camaraderie were shown throughout the day. Well done teams!

Christian Service Learning (CSL) News

CSL Award Recipients

The following students were recognised recently at a Secondary Assembly for their outstanding dedication to Christian Service Learning (CSL):

  • Alicia Coles (Year 11): For completing 92 hours serving the local equestrian club

  • Grace Coles (Year 10): For completing over 130 hours serving the local equestrian club

  • Tahlia Phillips (Year 9): For completing 31 hours serving by coaching and training younger students at her local club

  • Lacey Sines (Year 8): For completing over 20 hours of service at home

  • Sophie-Ella Carter (Year 7): For completing over twenty acts of service at home for her family and neighbors

Congratulations girls! This is a fantastic achievement.

The CREW - Service Opportunities

There is a service opportunity with The CREW in Rockingham sorting hampers on Wednesdays after school (4.00 - 5.30pm). All year groups can help (limit of 10 students in each session). The College to transport there, students to be picked up in Rockingham once concluded.

Service days:

  • 28th August

  • 25th September (Week 1 of Term 3 School holidays - students to organise own transport)

  • 23rd October

  • 27th November

Register your interest at the sign-up sheet by Mr Wadworth’s office or email: owen.wadsworth@cewa.edu.au

Library News

Sustainability News

The Year 1 students had fun designing and creating their butterfly garden which was linked to their inquiry unit “Living things have needs in order to survive.” The students researched that a butterfly needs shade, a feeding station, rocks, particular plants to feed on at different stages of their lives, muddy puddles and lots of flowers. The students were so excited to find eight chrysalis already on the plants which we are patiently watching and waiting for the monarch butterfly to hatch.  

The Year 4 students have used recycled materials to create some amazing worm farms. They have now taken their worm farms home to help reduce the amount of waste their family sends to landfill, while creating rich fertiliser (castings and worm wee) to add to the garden.

SERCUL (South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare) provided the plants to our College which the Year 5 students planted as part of the Phosphorous Awareness Project grant it receives from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, which aims to educate the community about the environmental impacts of too many nutrients entering our waterways.

Our amazing Green Team will be running the Sustainability Market Stall Tuesday 13 August before school at the entrance of the Junior School. They will be selling freshly grown vegetables, worm wee, eggs, pots of herbs, some indoor plants, bees wax lunch wraps and more. All the money raised goes back into the running of the Sustainability Centre.

Community News

Carers WA Conference 2024

Registrations are open for the Carers WA Conference 2024, the premiere event celebrating National Carers Week. It is free to attend online or in-person (waitlist) for all service providers, or carers registered with Carers WA.

This year's theme, 'Empowering the unpaid carer: Navigating identity, belonging and change'will explore and discuss the current and emerging issues for caring across WA.

When: Thursday, 17th October 2024 
Where: Online | In-Person
Cost: Free

Up to two staff tickets per service provider organisation, and one ticket per registered carer are provided.

This event is proudly supported by Lotterywest and the Department of Communities WA.

To register, click here.

The Best Australian Yarn Competition

The Best Australian Yarn is back and bigger than ever! Submit your best short story for your chance to win a life-changing $50,000 major prize! Your story deserves to be told.

"A powerful story can transport us to new worlds, ignite our emotions, and make the ordinary feel extraordinary.
The Best Australian Yarn celebrates the art of storytelling by giving writers across the country a platform to share their short stories. It's a quest to uncover Australia's finest literary talents and our most engaging storytellers.

We're calling on all writers - published or unpublished - from every corner of Australia to get creative and submit their short story of up to 2500 words."

Total prize pool of $80,000 in cash prizes across a number of categories:

Overall Winner - $50,000
Runner Up - $4,000
The Navitas ESL (English as a Second Language) Winner - $3,000
The First Nations Storytelling Winner - $3,000
Regional Australia Winner - $3,000
Youth Winner - $1,500 (12-14 years)
Youth Winner - $1,500 (15-18 years)
Comic Story Winner - $3,000
Comic Story Youth Winners - $1,500 (12-14 years) and (15-18 years)
8 shortlisted finalists - $8,000 ($1,000 each)

Entries close 12 August 2024.

Rockingham Youth Centre / Libraries event - A.J. Betts Creative Writing Workshop

A.J. Betts, an award-winning Western Australian author, will be facilitating a free Creative Writing Workshop at the Rockingham Youth Centre on Friday 16 August 2024 between 3.30pm – 4.30pm. The event is free for participants, but bookings are required:

Rockingham Youth Centre - Term 3 and 4 Flyer

Department of Education - Parent Information Session

VacSwim Program

VacSwim provides children aged five to 17 years with the opportunity to develop and progress their swimming and water safety skills during the October and summer school holidays. We offer programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced swimmers at over 175 locations across Western Australia.

For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit our website.

Murdoch University Open Nights

28th & 29th of August and 4th of September
5:30pm – 7:30pm

Murdoch University invites you to join us for our 2024 Open Nights. 

Spread over three nights, prospective students, their families and the wider community are invited to Explore, Discover and Immerse themselves in everything that Murdoch University has to offer.

  • Hear first-hand from our students and academics about what to expect when studying at Murdoch.

  • Explore double major and double degree combinations and possibilities

  • Tour our state-of-the-art facilities

  • Find out where our courses can take you in your career

  • Learn from current students about the practical experiences and opportunities available while you're studying

  • Find out how to gain entry through portfolio and enabling pathways

  • Ask questions about the application process, scholarships and support services

Register for your preferred nights now!

Wednesday 28th August          Health & Education

Thursday 29th August                Sciences, Information Technology, Engineering & Maths 

Wednesday 4th September    Business, Law, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences

Academic Task Force Workshops


Tuesday - Wednesday: 9.00am
Thursday: 8.00am
Friday: 9.00am
Saturday: 6.00pm
Sunday: 9.30am & 5.00pm
1st Friday of each month: Adoration (following 9am Mass)
Benediction 10.15am


Saturday: 5.30 - 5.50pm (prior to Mass)

Online Community

Join our online College community to keep up to date with news as it happens. Click the links below!

The next edition of the Mother Teresa Catholic College e-News will be released on Friday 23 August 2024.