E-News June 7


In this Issue:

  • Reconciliation Week

  • Important Notices

  • Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • College Parking

  • Sustainability News

  • MSP Photo Days

  • E scooter laws

  • Year 7 Student Leaders

  • Indonesian student awards

  • ACC Cross Country

  • Junior School News

  • Library news

  • Student achievements

  • FOMT News

  • Community News

Reconciliation Week

Last week was National Reconciliation Week.National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

What is National Reconciliation Week?

The dates for NRW remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.

Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

A brief history

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) started as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation in 1993 (the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples) and was supported by Australia’s major faith communities.

In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched Australia’s first National Reconciliation Week.

In 2001, Reconciliation Australia was established to continue to provide national leadership on reconciliation.

In the same year, approximately 300,000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of National Reconciliation Week-and subsequently across bridges in cities and towns-to show their support for reconciliation.

Today, National Reconciliation Week is celebrated in workplaces, schools and early learning services, community organisations and groups, and by individuals Australia-wide.We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.

There have been many moments in Australia’s reconciliation journey that make us want to turn away. But when things are divisive, the worst thing we can do is disengage or disconnect.

Now more than ever, we need reconciliation.

For reconciliation week, Year 1 and Year 4 Djiripin came together to produce a visually stunning piece of art, when placed together they create a complete wreath. The wreath represents the coming together and commitment as a community to continue to learn about the rich culture of our first nations people.The children’s handprints are inspired by the Aboriginal flag and their fingerprints by the Torres Strait Islander flag. Each child across both classes has done a handprint or fingerprint, reprenting their indivudal acknowledgment of the traditional custodiuans of the land where we live, learn and play, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation.

Important Notices

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Congratulations to the Mother Teresa Catholic College students and Parish participants who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday 29th May. This sacrament holds profound spiritual importance, offering individuals the opportunity for repentance, forgiveness, and spiritual renewal.


The event was enriched by the support and guidance of Fathers Alexis, Geoff, Giovani, Thi, Errol, and Victor whose assistance helped make the occasion meaningful and impactful for all those involved.


Thank you to the staff, and parents, who supported the children in preparing for and competing the Sacrament of Reconciliation

College Parking & Traffic Flow Map

In our ongoing efforts to enhance safety and streamline traffic flow within our community, we have updated our College Parking & Traffic Flow Map. The Map has been updated to include the new Northern Carpark and Gate 5.

To maintain a secure and efficient environment, we kindly request all families, staff, visitors, and service providers strictly adhere to the guidelines outlined in the updated map. Familiarising yourself with the designated set down zones, as well as observing speed limits and traffic signs, will contribute to a safer experience for all community members.

Please take a moment to review the updated map below.

Our College Maps can be found on our website: www.motherteresa.wa.edu.au/college-map

College Carparks - Students Crossing Eighty Road

A reminder that all students must exit the College via the pedestrian gates and MUST NOT leave the College grounds via vehicle gates. If they need to cross Eighty Road they MUST cross the road via the pedestrian crossing in front of the Admin building.

Secondary students are not to exit, by foot, scooter or bike via the car park and Gates 4 and 5 . They must walk their bikes and scooters and exit via the main pedestrian gate. This is to ensure the safety of all in our community.

Sustainability News

The Amazing Green Team will be running the Sustainability Market Stall this Tuesday 11th June before and after school. They will be selling freshly grown vegetables and herbs, eggs, worm wee, bees wax lunch wraps, cutlery rolls and few plants.

World Environment Day was acknowledged on the 5th June and the theme was “Our Land, Our Future: We Are Generation Restoration.” The Year Three Students discussed what this means to them, what we can do to help our environment and celebrated what we are already doing in the College.

The Year Four students have started creating their worm farms from recycled materials which they will take home to use. The students are working hard with Mr Clarke to create an informational video to teach their parents what tiger worms eat, how to take care for them and the benefits of the tiger worms. A great way for families to reduce the amount of waste they are sending to landfill.

The Kindy students are enjoying their visit to the Sustainability area and learning about where our food comes from. They have enjoyed feeding the worms and chickens as well as collecting the eggs and smelling some herbs.

Thank you to the wonderful families who support “Waste Free Wednesday”. It is a great way to reduce the amount of waste we are sending to landfill by supporting this initiative in our college. A waste free lunch box is one that has no throw-away packaging. Everything in a waste-free lunchbox can be eaten, reused or composted.

MSP Photo Days

Our College Photos will be taken on: Tuesday 23, Wednesday 24, Thursday 25 and Friday 26 July 2024.

All students are to wear their full formal winter uniform.

Class Photos/Portraits:

• Every Student will have their photo taken, whether they are purchasing photos or not.

• The school has chosen to use the online ordering system. Your child has been given and will bring home today an online ordering instruction slip and a unique student shoot key. If this gets misplaced, please contact the College Reception and a copy of your shoot key will be given to you.

Family Photos:

• Envelopes can be obtained from the College Administration.

• Family photos are taken each morning before school between 7.45 and 8.45am in the Junior School covered area

• Please ensure that your family envelope and payment are handed to the Photographers on photo day.

• If you do not have the correct money, we will provide any change needed when photos are delivered to the College.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the College.

E Scooter Laws in Perth Western Australia

As electric scooters or e scooters continue to gain popularity as a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation, it is essential for riders and enthusiasts to be aware of the laws and regulations governing their use.

Perth, and a lot of Western Australia, is perfect for scooting around on an E Scooter but can you legally ride an E Scooter in Perth and the rest of Western Australia?

Western Australia E Scooter Laws

In Western Australia, electric scooters or e scooters are classified as Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs). These devices typically have two wheels, are powered by an electric motor, and are designed for one person to stand and operate. Personal Mobility Device laws apply to e scooters & must be followed to legally ride an e scooter in Perth and the rest of Western Australia.

Age Restrictions - Must Be At Least 16 Years Old

To legally operate an electric scooter in Perth and the rest of Western Australia, riders must be at least 16 years of age. It is important to note that younger individuals may ride electric scooters only on private property with the property owner's consent.

E Scooter Vehicle Specifications Requirements

E Scooters are subject to speed and vehicle specification restrictions in Western Australia. According to the current regulations, an electric scooter must:

1. Be no more than 125cm long, 70cm wide, and 135cm high.

2. Weigh a maximum of 25 kilograms.

3. Not be capable of traveling faster than 25 kilometers per hour on level ground.

Speed Limits

Electric scooters can be ridden on shared paths, footpaths, and public paths in Western Australia, as long as riders adhere to the prescribed speed limit. The maximum speed allowed for an electric scooter on public paths, shared paths, and footpaths is 10 kilometers per hour. If an electric scooter is being used on a road or road-related area in Western Australia, it must not exceed the posted speed limit of that particular area. In addition, they are not permitted to be ridden on roads or road-related areas where the speed limit exceeds 50 kilometers per hour.

Safety Equipment

To ensure rider safety, Western Australia's electric scooter laws require riders to wear an approved bicycle helmet when operating an electric scooter on public paths or road-related areas. This safety measure helps protect riders in the event of an accident or collision.

Complying E Scooters can be ridden on:

• footpaths, bicycle paths and shared paths

• roads where there are no dividing lines AND the speed limit is 50 km/h or less

• bicycle lanes (on roads with a speed limit of 50km/h or less).

Where Can't I Ride My E Scooter in Western Australia

• roads with a dividing line

• roads where the speed limit is more than 50km/h

• any path designated ‘no wheeled devices’

• any path or road where a ‘no bicycle’ sign or marking applies

Enforcement and Penalties

Law enforcement authorities in Western Australia are responsible for enforcing the electric scooter laws. Riders found breaching these regulations may face penalties, fines, or other legal consequences.

With the increasing popularity of electric scooters as a mode of transportation, it is crucial for riders in Western Australia to familiarize themselves with the specific laws and regulations governing their use. By adhering to age restrictions, speed limits, safety equipment requirements, and other guidelines, riders can ensure a safe and legal riding experience. It is essential to stay updated with any changes or updates to the electric scooter laws in Western Australia to promote responsible and enjoyable riding for all.

Year 7 Student Leaders

On Wednesday, 8th May the Year 7 Student Leadership Team for 2024 was announced at the Year 7 Assembly. Of the almost 50 candidates who applied for the position, 12 students were elected to the team designed to advocate for their fellow Year 7 students.

The Year 7 Student Leaders for 2024 are:

Jayce Meekin

Emily Sampson

Addison Roots

Daniel Minotti

Emma Currell

Nikolas Kuzmar

Sophie Millward

Zac Homan

Luis Nascimento

Allirah Tucker

Thomas Lee

Bessie Hollow

The students have already had their first meeting as a team and have put forward many exciting ideas to promote change and inclusivity amongst their cohort, and we wish them all the best in their leadership endeavours!

Indonesian Students Awards

Selamat – Congratulations to the following students who received Indonesian Student Awards from the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia to acknowledge their consistent enthusiasm, positive attitude, and outstanding achievement in Indonesian.

Year 7: Samantha Ysabelle Gabonada

Year 8: Charlee Bauer

Year 9: Teslin Bobby

Year 10: Riley Fitzpatrick

The awarded students and their parents attended the Awards night at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Perth on Tuesday, 28th May 2024. Teslin Bobby represented the College delivering a speech in Indonesian, sharing her journey in learning Indonesian.

The College also received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in recognition of the excellent contributions to promoting the Indonesian Language in Western Australia.

ACC Cross Country Carnival

Despite Perth experiencing wet and windy conditions throughout the week leading up to the ACC Cross Country, it did not dampen the spirits of the Cross Country team! Travelling up to Alderbury Reserve in Floreat students in Year 7-12 contested the event with over 80 other Catholic, Anglican and Christian Schools who are part of the Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) of WA. The Year 11/12 Boys and Girls went first with Riley Rosenberg finishing 85th in a field of over 300 competitors. Honorable mentions also to Sophie Starkey who also finished in the top 100 in the Year 8 Girls race.

The standout of the day was Jordan Manfield who finished 3rd in the U13 Boys Event, Well Done Jordan!

Our best result in the aggregates was 38th in the Girls overall which is a testament to the hard work of our female students who have been attending running club as well as continuing their own training outside of school.

Junior school News

On Thursday May 16th, 30 Year 3 students attended an Interschool Soccer Carnival, along with 8 Year 6 coaches. We had a terrific day, practicing not only our soccer skills, but also showing resilience, team work, encouragement and grit. The Year 3s each participated in 5 games of 5-a-side soccer against several other schools in our region and made us all proud with their displays of sportsmanship. The Year 6s were excellent leaders and ensured that the younger students knew where they were going and felt confident throughout the day. Well done to all!

On Friday the Junior School held their Cross Country Carnival. Studnets from Pre-Primary to Year 6 cheered each other on as they challenged themselves in their running events. Although there was some rain, Students spirits, resilience and sportsmanship shined through. Many spectators attended to support the students which gave it a real community feel.

Well done to Boodjar who was awarded the spirit shield and Kep who took out the overall win for the Carnival.

Congratulations to all students on a fantastic day , filled with many personal achievements.

Library News

 May is Scholastic National Family Reading Month and to celebrate the Mother Teresa College Library invited Parents/Carers of Pre-Primary – Year 2 students to attend a Library lesson with their children. Parents/Carers had the chance to sit with their child and read/share a book together during their normal Library lesson time. The children were VERY excited and couldn’t wait to show them around the library and read together. Thank you to all the Parents/Carers who attended and supported their child’s love of reading.

Student Achievement

Huge congratulations to Akuei Duop who has been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2024 Basketball 12s Boys Championship.

This team will be competing at the School Sport Australia National Championships in Gold Coast, QLD from Sat 27th July - Thurs 1st August 2024. State representation is an honour and often represents a significant stepping stone in the ultimate achievement of senior and national selection. School Sport WA works very closely with State and National Sporting Organisations to ensure that school sport forms a significant part in the sequential development of the school students

Congratulations Akuei we are incredibly proud of you and wish you the best of luck in Queensland.


Jnr School Disco

Junior School Covered area

Pre-Kindy, Kindy & Pre Primary: 4pm - 4:40pm  

Year 1, 2 & 3: 5pm - 6pm

Year 4, 5 & 6: 6:20pm - 7:50pm

Tickets: All tickets $6 each 

BONUS FOR PRE-PURCHASING: Juice box, chips & lollybag

Please note: There will be no additional food/ drink on sale during the event this year. 

Coffee van will be onsite for parents who wish to wait around.

Ticket sales close Monday 10th June at 9pm

Tickets link: https://events.humanitix.com/mtcc-k-6-disco-2024 

Volunteer link: https://volunteersignup.org/RXMCAFriday 14th June Kindy-Yr 6


OSH News

Community News

We are excited to announce the West Australian Marathon Club (WAMC) Perth Kids Marathon is back for 2024.

We invite all school children to be involved in this unique event taking place on Sunday 4th August, 2024.

This event is a great opportunity for children to start an exercise program that will continue over a number of weeks and culminate in the completion of a “marathon" – 42.195km!

Starting on Sunday 9th June, the aim is to run the first 40km of the marathon distance over a number of weeks in the child’s own time (or at school), then on marathon day complete the final 2.195km at the 2024 Perth Kids Marathon, which will be held in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary Perth Half Marathon!

All registered participants receive a FREE T-shirt* and medal, and the school with the largest team receives a magnificent trophy to proudly display at their school – so get your school involved!

For further information and to register online, visit Event details for WAMC Perth Kids Marathon | West Australian Marathon Club | West Australian Marathon Club.


Tuesday - Friday: 9.00am
Saturdays: 6.00pm
Sundays: 9.30am & 5.00pm
1st Friday of each month: Adoration (following 9am Mass)
Benediction 10.15am


Saturday: 5.30 - 5.50pm (prior to Mass)

Online Community

Join our online College community to keep up to date with news as it happens. Click the links below!

The next edition of the Mother Teresa Catholic College e-News will be released on Friday 21 June 2024.