Year 12 Outdoor Education Camp


On Monday 28 August, our Year 12 General Outdoor Education (ODE) students embarked on their final ODE camp, a thrilling three-day adventure. This expedition was thoughtfully designed to challenge their abilities in mountain biking, campcraft, and endurance.

Arriving at Marrinup Campsite, students quickly set up camp and had the entire site to themselves! Splitting into two groups, one group conquered a 10km cross country circuit on bike which included a single track, inclines and a fun downhill section before meandering back to camp. The other group completed a walk around Marrinup falls and the P.O.W. Camp. Students were interested to learn about what happened there, as well as the several escape attempts. After lunch, the groups swapped activities. Dinner and a game of spotlight were a fun way to end day one.

All students got up bright and early for the start of day two and packed away the campsite, leaving no trace that they had been there. They then began to head South along the world famous Munda Biddi Mountain Bike Trail for a 23km ride to Nanga Mill campground. With some fast flowing downhill sections paired with three really tough hill climbs, the Year 12s performed admirably. Lunch was at Baden Powell before heading through the Murray Valley trails and down into Nanga Mill to set up camp for the second night.

The last day allowed students to ‘choose their own adventure’. One group chose a bushwalk around Nanga Mill, while the other group went on a fun 18km ride, climbing to the top of the Murray Valley before using the Fawcett Trail and Munda Biddi to return to camp. A quick stop in Dwellingup for a pie was a great way to finish the camp and the course.

Everyone had a marvellous time and the students created great memories they can share with their peers and friends in the years to come. Thank you to Mr Norris who coordinated the event and the team of Mr Scarterfield, Ms Llanos, Ms McRedmond, and Mr Mitchell who accompanied the students!