Looking for Bugs


The students had fun looking for the bugs which are eating the leaves on the broccoli. The Pre-Primary students are carefully looking after the potatoes, carrots and lettuce growing in their garden beds. The Year 4 students have enjoyed reading the new Bush Tucker signs in the garden beds explaining what each bush tucker plant is used for.

A big thank you to Dr Rita, a bird specialist at The Wattle Grove Veterinary Hospital for taking extra special care of our chicken Luna who had a sore eye. Luna is now recovering well and will be returning to her flock at school very shortly. The rest of our chickens have been getting lots of love from all the students.

MTCC has joined the Wonder Recycling Rewards Program where we will be collecting all bread tags and all bread bags until 2nd July. In Australian only 18% of plastic packaging is recycled, the rest is going to landfill. We can help by collecting these items and earn reward points to redeem on new sports equipment. All the collected plastic will be used to create school play equipment. Please place your empty bread bags and tags in the container at the front of the junior school.

Thank you to everyone who supported our Market Stall last week and a special thank you to Mrs Sneyd who made amazing apple slinkies. The Green Team did an amazing job selling all our produce. We made $100 which will buy some more chicken feed and hay.