Meet Faith

Faith is a Golden Retriever who has been trained by Smart Pups Australia as a Veteran Assistance dog. She has been specially trained to assist a member of our Community with tasks that are difficult to do on their own. Faith will be accompanying her owner to school as of this week

As an assistance dog, when out in public her focus needs to be on her owner as her handler so she can fulfil the role she has been trained to do, so she is unable to be patted or distracted as her attention needs to be on and to carry out her job.

When she is out in public and is wearing her vest she is essentially a working dog similar to the dogs that people may be familiar with like Seeing Eye dogs, Police dogs or Airport sniffer dogs. So we ask that people don't pay her any attention or approach her if they see her at school.

She has been specially trained and must wear her vest at all times whilst out in the public however it's not all work and no fun. When her vest is removed she is allowed the freedom to just be a dog and enjoy play time so it's not all work and no play.

We welcome Faith into our College Community.
