

In this Issue:

  • Message from the Principal

  • Important Notices

  • Student & Staff Achievement

  • Events

  • The Arts News

  • Sports and Outdoor Education News

  • Library News

  • Sustainability News

  • Community News

Message from the Principal

At this time of year in schools, we begin the process of looking forward with anticipation, excitement, and a touch of trepidation as we start preparing for the coming year. This is also true at Mother Teresa Catholic College. There is a hint of nostalgia and sadness as our Year 12 students enter the final phase of preparation for their WACE Examinations, TAFE applications, and job readiness as the culmination of 13 to 14 years of schooling approaches. For our Year 6 students, there is the anticipation of moving into Secondary school, with the shift to specialist areas and the opportunities this will provide in the coming years for involvement in a variety of educational activities.

At each of these stages, reflection is crucial, allowing for individual growth and a deeper self-awareness. The different phases of life that both children and adults experience are small tests of our capacity to deal with change and maturity. Through the support offered at schools such as MTCC, parents and students come to realise that future goals can be achieved. This process is further emphasised through the subject selection process undertaken by senior students as they discern which courses and pathways to pursue.

As a Catholic school, we celebrate these changes, knowing that with change comes many opportunities. At MTCC, there are various curricular opportunities to excel and be challenged. In the past week, several students have participated in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival, excursions, retreats, and whole school activities such as the recent Mother Teresa Feast Day. Each of these activities provides students with an opportunity to be challenged and to showcase their talents. At MTCC, I encourage students to support one another in these endeavours and to celebrate each other’s achievements. In doing so, we build a community that recognises each individual and fulfils the College Motto of ‘Strong in Faith and Love’. We aim to provide each student with the opportunity to achieve success in the many activities that complement our curriculum.

The eNews is a platform for parents, family, friends, and the wider College community to share in these milestones. By working together and embracing our Vision of Challenge, Connect, and Contribute, we can achieve this unity. Let us all continue the important journey of growth to realise the potential within each of us. 

Mr. Joe Hoyne

Important Notices

Commitment to Child Safety

We are committed to being a child safe organisation. Our children and young people have the right to be safe and feel safe to be able to flourish in their learning and development.

Our schools and care centres enact the Church’s commitment to the dignity of the individual. All members of our school and care centre communities have a fundamental right to be treated with respect, and to learn and teach in a safe and supportive environment. We encourage children and young people to contribute more broadly to the development of the kind of world envisaged by Christ, to form a commitment to the love, compassion and justice of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We promote justice, particularly to those who are culturally, physically, intellectually, financially or spiritually disadvantaged (Mandate for the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia, 2009).

The person of each individual human being, in his or her material and spiritual needs, is at the heart of Christ’s teaching: that is why the promotion of the human person is the goal of the Catholic school. Congregation for Catholic Education 1997, par. 9 Our Framework for the Development of Pastoral Care in Catholic Schools (CEWA, 2007) enhances the dignity of each person within their Catholic community, and provide a safe and supportive school environment to promote care, respect and cooperation. The framework values diversity, and takes action to protect children from all forms of abuse and neglect.

CEWA’s Child Safe Framework supports leaders to develop a child safe culture in their schools and care centres. The Framework emphasises situational prevention to reduce risk, promotes professional behaviours and healthy, respectful relationships, and is aimed at meeting and exceeding regulatory obligations and standards (CEWA, 2018).

Elements of the Framework are also expressed in CEWA’s Vision for Learning. Quality Relationships; Engagement; and Place, Space and Technology support child safety and wellbeing as an integral part of contemporary teaching and learning in our system (CEWA Vision for Learning, 2018). Commitment to Child Safety Catholic Education Western Australia’s (CEWA) schools and care centres are Christ- centred and child-focused places of learning for children and young people.

Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum (KSCPC)

It is a requirement that all students receive a protective behaviours and sexual abuse prevention education which is developed by experts in child abuse prevention, is age and developmental stage appropriate, is culturally appropriate, is integrated into the curriculum of the school and make relevant subject matter links, includes e-safety education and builds practice self-protective skills and strategies.  

The KSCPC teaches children and young people to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is ok and not ok touching and ways of keeping themselves safe.


The curriculum is based on two main theme which are presented through topics and activities

  • Theme 1: We all have the right to be safe

  • Theme 2: We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust

Focus Areas

The two themes are explored through four Focus Areas, which are examine in growing complexity in accordance with the age of the learners.

  1. The right to be safe

  2. Relationships

  3. Recognising and reporting abuse

  4. Protective strategies

CSPA 2024 Parent/Caregiver Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning

In collaboration with the University of New England (UNE), the Catholic Schools Parents Australia (CSPA) will be conducting a research study entitled CSPA 2024 Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning. This survey has the funding and support from the Australian Government Department of Education and the CSPA will report to the Minister for Education and Departmental representatives on the findings. Survey results will therefore have a direct pathway to education policy experts and government.

Purpose of the study?
The aim of the CSPA 2024 Parent Survey is to collect evidence from a broad sample of parents/carers attending Catholic schools in Australia. The survey seeks to identify both the positive aspects and challenges related to their children’s wellbeing and learning. The findings will enhance the understanding of contemporary issues affecting school-aged children among parents, teachers, principals, and policy makers.

Who can participate?
The survey is open to all parents and carers aged 18 or above who have one or more children enrolled in Catholic schools throughout Australia. Participation in the study is entirely voluntary and participant data will be treated confidentially. Names and locations of participants and their affiliated schools will not be known at any point in the study. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

How will the survey findings be used?
Responses to this national survey will be analysed to identify factors affecting children’s wellbeing and learning in school. Findings will be available through the Catholic parent body. Research articles arising from the study will be used to inform the fields of pre-service teacher education and teacher professional development. Findings from the study will also be used by Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) to report to the Australian Government and Catholic Education on existing and emerging concerns that parents/carers have in relation to the wellbeing and learning of their children. More information about the study, including how to participate and get questions answered, are here.

Uniform Shop - School Holiday Opening Hours

Opening hours for the upcoming school holidays: 

  • Tuesday 1 October - General trade – 8.00am to 2.00pm

  • Wednesday 2 October - General trade – 8.00am to 2.00pm

  • Thursday 3 October - Appointments for new students 8.00am to 2.00pm

The Uniform Shop will return to usual trading hours on Tuesday 8 October.


Apple Distinguished School

We are thrilled to announce that Mother Teresa Catholic College has been recognised as an Apple Distinguished School. This prestigious honour highlights our commitment to innovation, leadership, and educational excellence through the use of Apple technologies.

This achievement reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire school community. We look forward to continuing our journey of excellence in education with the support of Apple.

Student & Staff Achievement

Manaia Matthews (Year 1)
Congratulations to Year 1 student Manaia Matthews on passing her first Jazz exam with Honours! Manaia, who has been dancing since 2020, trains at the Betty Bentley Dance Academy in Port Kennedy and recently completed the Jazz Addict Primary Jazz Two exam as part of the Jazzaddict Australasia Dance Syllabus.

In addition to Jazz, Manaia also dances Tap, Ballet, and more. We are so proud of her dedication and fantastic achievement. Well done, Manaia! We look forward to watching your continued success and growth in the world of dance.

Sean de Knegt (Year 7)

Year 7 student Sean de Knegt will be flying to Melbourne today as part of the WA Boys 12s Netball Team to compete in the School Sports Championships, proudly representing Western Australia.

Sean and his teammates were officially presented with their state uniforms last week, marking an important milestone in their journey. We wish Sean and the team the best of luck as they compete on the national stage. Go Sean!

AASCF State Cheerleading Competition

Last weekend, some of our students competed in the AASCF State Cheerleading Competition. Deputies from Toxic Cheer hit 0 deductions, received 1st place in the division, and came away as Grand Champions for the whole of level 3. What a great achievement! 

Well done to the following students:

  • Grace Stennett (Year 8)

  • Charlie Walsh (Year 8)

  • Mackinlay Robinson (Year 9)

Congratulations girls!

Ella Jefferies (Year 10)

Year 10 student Ella Jefferies has been accepted into the netball program at SEDA College, starting in 2025. This is an incredible achievement and a testament to her dedication to the sport.

Ella has been a student at MTCC since Year 7, representing the College and her local club in netball. While we will miss her, we are excited for the opportunity she has to pursue her passion for netball.

Congratulations, Ella! You will always be a valued member of the MTCC community.

Staff Achievement - Mrs Stennett

Last Saturday evening at the Rockingham Flames NBL1 Awards evening, Mrs Renee Stennett received the Score bench Official of the Year award! We are very proud of her and her amazing achievement.

Well done Mrs Stennett!


We love to celebrate student and staff achievement! If you have a success story and photo you'd like to share, email: marketing@motherteresa.wa.edu.au


Mother Teresa Feast Day

Yesterday we celebrated the feast day of our Patron Saint, Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a missionary nun who was one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century. She devoted her life to caring for the sick and poor.

In the morning, our whole College came together to celebrate the life and canonisation of Saint Teresa of Calcutta with a feast day mass and shared sausage sizzle lunch, lovingly cooked by staff. Unfortunately our usual afternoon mini fair had to be postponed due to inclement weather, but we look forward to holding this on a suitable day in the near future.

With the inspiration of Mother Teresa’s example of outreach and love for all human beings, we strive each day to grow, in the words of our motto, “Strong in Faith and Love”.

Year 8 Father’s Day Breakfast

On Friday 30 August, the College hosted our annual Year 8 Father's Day Breakfast, and it was fantastic to see so many dads, uncles, brothers, grandads, and other loved ones join us. The morning kicked off with a beautiful liturgy, followed by a spirited parent/caregiver vs. student basketball match. Our guests were then treated to some delicious breakfast rolls, lovingly prepared and served by our staff.

It was a wonderful morning to honour the fathers and father figures in our College community. A big thank you to everyone who helped make this event special.

Father's Day in Kindy and Pre-Kindy

The Arts News

Catholic Performing Arts Festival (CPAF) Dance

Sports and Outdoor Education (ODE) News

Junior School Athletics Carnival 2024

Last Friday, our Junior School gathered on the Secondary oval for an action-packed Athletics Carnival. From Pre-Primary through to Year 6, students showcased their incredible energy and enthusiasm in a variety of races, relays, team games, and other athletic events.

The atmosphere was electric, with students cheering on their peers and displaying outstanding sportsmanship throughout the day. It was heartwarming to see such a strong community spirit, with many parents and supporters lining the sidelines, cheering and encouraging all participants.

A big thank you to everyone who came out to support our young athletes and to the staff and volunteers who made this event a huge success. We are so proud of our students for their effort and determination! GO BOODJAR!

Congratulations to the following Champions and Runners up:

Year 3 Girls

  • Champion - April Cannon

  • Runner Up - Olivia Kenworthy

Year 3 Boys:

  • Champion - Brecon Williams

  • Runner Up - Elliot Stevenson

Year 4 Girls:

  • Champion - Harper Adrian

  • Runner Up - Millie Scott

Year 4 Boys:

  • Champion - Denis Murphy

  • Runner Up - Toby Berveling

Year 5 Girls:

  • Champion - Eira Williams

  • Runner Up - Nevaeh Kyle-Ryan

Year 5 Boys:

  • Champion - Riley Jones (1st Place in All Events)

  • Runner Up - James Murphy

Year 6 Girls:

  • Champion - Amelie Minotti

  • Runner Up - Erin Colton

Year 6 Boys:

  • Champion - Damon Dowell

  • Runner Up - Lachlan Skates

MTCC Netball Club: Junior Teams Reach Grand Finals

A huge congratulations to our MTCC Netball Club, with 6 of our junior teams—comprising 55 talented students—making it through to the finals this Winter netball season! All of our players have displayed outstanding teamwork and skill, making the College proud of their dedication and achievements.

This Saturday 7 September, three MTCC teams will compete in the grand finals at Mike Barnett Stadium:

  • Under 12 Bluestars – 10:15am

  • Under 14 Monarchs – 10:15am

  • Under 16 Red Admirals – 8:45am

We invite everyone to come down and support our teams as they give their all on the court. Let’s cheer them on to victory!

ACC Athletics G Div 2024

Mother Teresa Catholic College participated in the ACC G Division Athletics Carnival on Monday 2 September, with impressive performances across various events.

Highlights include Alba Pike and Gracie Dabala placing in discus, Hayley O’Dea winning the U14 girls long jump, and strong track results from Year 7 students Addison Roots and Euan Buchan.

Year 12 Team Captain Holly-Anne Buchan scored a 'hat trick' by winning the open girls Division 1 100m, 200m, and 400m events, and leading the open girls 4x100m relay to victory. Lachlan Buchan also produced incredible results across all events, placing in high jump and hurdles.

Champion Boy

  • U13: Daniel Albert

  • U14: Will Kelly

Champion Girl

  • U14: Hayley O’Dea

Top 5 Champions

  • U15: Gracie Dabala (3)

  • U15: Buchan, Lachlan (3)

  • U19: Holly-Anne Buchan (4)

  • U19: Riley Rosenberg (5)

Overall Results for MTCC

  • Junior Girls Shield: Champion School

  • Overall Female Shield: Champion School

  • Overall Shield: 3rd Place

The overall results were a testament to the hard work of students and staff at Monday Afternoon training, and Tuesday Morning Running Club. We extend our thanks to our athletes, parents/caregivers, and the HPE department for your support

Junior RKAS Volleyball

Year 11 Outdoor Education Camp - Collie

VET & Workplace Learning News

KIC iMEN and KIC iCAREER Graduating Students 

Congratulations to two of our current Year 10 students, Zane van der Leer and Ethan Cootes, who have recently graduated from iProjects, facilitated by KIC (Kwinana Industries Council) and were excellent ambassadors for the College. 

On the graduation evenings, students who participated in Term Two’s iMEN and Term Three’s iCAREER presented what they had done and learnt in their programs to their parents, caregivers, and representatives from their schools and industry. Both boys did a great job in public speaking and a special well done to Ethan, who was one of two iCAREER students selected to host their graduation evening. 

Workshops included team building activities, career pathways, personal and goal setting, health and wellbeing, resumes and interview skills. There were also visits to the Construction Futures Centre, CSI, NewGen, Tianqi Lithium and Tronox, in addition to volunteering for Perth NRM. 

Participation in these programs can assist towards student achievement of their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). 


Zane van der Leer - iMEN

“My favourite part of iMEN would definitely be going out on the site tours and getting a better understanding about the different trades and the work environment. I definitely learnt a lot about the different types of pathway and trades that you can do in the future and gained a better understanding of what I want to do in the future. I would 100% recommend this program to any Year 10 student who is looking to do a VET course in Year 11 to 12 to get a better understanding about the different types of trades. Also doing this program puts yourself above your peers, giving an advantage in securing an apprenticeship.”


Ethan Cootes – iCAREER

“I was lucky to be chosen to participate in the iCAREER Program run by Kwinana Industries Council. This program gave me an insight into the different types of trades available. We went on site tours and my favourite place to visit was Minerals Resources as it showed me different trades available, and I was able to see what I might like to do in the future. I would absolutely recommend this program, to anyone who is wanting to do a trade in the future, or even if you are not sure what you want to do, as this will give you an idea of what's available.”

Library News

Over the last fortnight, the Library has been a bit quieter now that Book Week is over, but that doesn’t mean we have stopped completely!

Primary students have been reading the winning books from the Children’s Book Council Awards (CBCA) and discussing why they think each book has won. As part of HASS week, some classes have been having competitions to see which class can name the most countries in the world. 

In addition, Year 7 and 8 English classes have come in for special lessons where they have had a ‘Book Tasting’ and Library Refresher, giving them the chance to try and ‘taste’ books from a variety of genres. The Lego Club have been eagerly building the Eiffel Tower and are hoping to have it finished by the end of the Term. Finally, we have had several excited students who have been waiting patiently for some new books to hit the shelves and are happy about being able to borrow them!

Sustainability News

The Sustainability Program at MTCC is fun, engaging and empowering for all students. The lessons are linked to the Western Australian Curriculum and allow students to take responsibility for their actions while caring for our planet.

The Pre-Primary students have been taking the weeds out of their garden beds and feeding them to the chickens. We then discussed what the soil needs to help the plants grow adding nutrients by pouring worm wee in the garden beds. Next, they planted broad beans, carrots and potatoes and are very excited to care for the vegetables as they grow.

Our much-loved school chickens have been getting lots of treats and cuddles from many of the students throughout the day.  The students enjoy feeding them, teaching them tricks, watching them take sand baths and learning how they keep warm throughout the day.

The Kindy students have been coming over each day to pick the fresh leaves from the mulberry tree and feed them to their class silkworms. The Year 2 class had a fun time digging up the potatoes which had grown in their garden bed. They took their potatoes home to eat with their family. Thank you to the parents who sent photos and emails saying how much their child enjoyed the experience and how yummy the potatoes were.

The students are doing an amazing job putting all their cans/bottles into the “Containers for Change Bins” around the school. All the money raised goes to the P&F. Thank you to our wonderful families who support “Waste Free Wednesday.” A waste free lunch contains no throwaway packaging which helps reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill each day.

Community News

Murdoch University

Saver Plus

Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It’s about enhancing financial skills, to develop (and keep) good savings habits.  Since 2003, Saver Plus has supported more than 60,000 people to start saving. Saver Plus has helped overcome the barriers around education expenses. And sets families up for a brighter future. 

To be eligible You must have all of the following:

  • A Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card  

  • an eligible Centrelink payment*

  • Be studying yourself OR have a child in school (can be starting school next year)

  • Have regular income from work (either yourself or your partner)* including Carers Payment / Child Support / Cash in hand

  • Be 18+ years old

  • Agree to join in free online financial education workshops called MoneyMinded

  • Not completed Saver Plus previously

* Many types of income and Centrelink payments are eligible, see the Saver Plus terms and conditions for more information.

Carers WA Conference 2024

Registrations are open for the Carers WA Conference 2024, the premiere event celebrating National Carers Week. It is free to attend online or in-person (waitlist) for all service providers, or carers registered with Carers WA.

This year's theme, 'Empowering the unpaid carer: Navigating identity, belonging and change'will explore and discuss the current and emerging issues for caring across WA.

When: Thursday, 17th October 2024 
Where: Online | In-Person
Cost: Free

Up to two staff tickets per service provider organisation, and one ticket per registered carer are provided.

This event is proudly supported by Lotterywest and the Department of Communities WA.

To register, click here.

City of Rockingham Opportunities

Yallingup Galleries Student Mentorship Program 2025
Yallingup Galleries are seeking submissions in fine art, sculpture and ceramics. Finalists will be celebrated in Yallingups 'Artbeat' exhibition. Submissions close on 30 April 2025. More information here

Canning Show Exhibition
Online entries are now open for the Canning Show, for crafters and artists. Entries close Sunday 20 October. Enter here.  

Melville Art Awards
Entries are open for the 48th Annual Art Awards, for established and emerging WA artists. Entries close Wednesday 11 September. More information here

Rockingham Arts Centre Studio Hire
Applications are now open for artists to hire the studio room at the Rockingham Arts Centre. The studio is available from December 2024 to February 2025 and June 2025 to August 2025 at a cost of $175 per month. Apply here

Rockingham Arts Centre - Volunteers
If you have a passion for the arts, and what goes on behind the scenes in a gallery, we want to hear from you. Apply here.


Tuesday - Wednesday: 9.00am
Thursday: 8.00am
Friday: 9.00am
Saturday: 6.00pm
Sunday: 9.30am & 5.00pm
1st Friday of each month: Adoration (following 9am Mass)
Benediction 10.15am


Saturday: 5.30 - 5.50pm (prior to Mass)

Online Community

Join our online College community to keep up to date with news as it happens. Click the links below!

The next edition of the Mother Teresa Catholic College e-News will be released on Friday 20 September 2024.