Harry Perkins Institute Excursion ExcursionMother Teresa Catholic College28 July 2023Year 11, Year 12, Science, Human Biology, Harry Perkins, Excursion
100 Days of Pre-Primary EventMother Teresa Catholic College26 July 2023100 Days of Pre-Primary, 100 Days, Pre-Primary, Junior School
Wheelchairs for Kids CSLMother Teresa Catholic College3 July 2023Wheelchairs for Kids, CSL, Christian Service Learning, Year 10
Year 10 Workplace Learning CareersMother Teresa Catholic College30 June 2023Year 10, WPL, Workplace Learning, Business, Courses and Careers, Careers
Vinnies Sorting Day CSLMother Teresa Catholic College28 June 2023Vinnies, Sorting Day, CSL, Christian Service Learning, Year 10
Michael Mangan Incursion IncursionMother Teresa Catholic College21 June 2023Michael Mangan, Incursion, Junior School
WA Footy Clinic IncursionMother Teresa Catholic College20 June 2023WA Footy, Incursion, Junior School
Year 9 ODE Rottnest Trip ExcursionMother Teresa Catholic College20 June 2023Outdoor Education, ODE, Year 9, Rottnest
PEEL Region & SSWA Netball Carnivals Sporting EventMother Teresa Catholic College20 June 2023PEEL Region, SSWA, Netball, Carnival, Year 7, Year 8
Celebrating 10 Years EventMother Teresa Catholic College19 June 2023Celebrating 10 Years, Anniversary, MTCC, Geri O'Keefe, 10 Years
First Holy Communion EventMother Teresa Catholic College15 June 2023Junior School, First Holy Communion, Sacrament of Eucharist, Parish
Junior School Cross Country Carnival Sporting EventMother Teresa Catholic College13 June 2023Junior School, Cross Country, Carnival
Year 12 Retreat RetreatMother Teresa Catholic College9 June 2023Year 12, Retreat, Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp
College Virtual Tour EventMother Teresa Catholic College6 June 2023Virtual Tour, College Virtual Tour, Tour